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"Where are you, Winn?" Mon-El was walking, nervous.
"Traffic is really bad. I told you that it would have been better if you'd hired someone to get this work done." It passed three weeks since Mon-El had signed the rental contract. The apartment was officially his so those three last weeks he had been buying all the necessary furniture. "And the worst part of this thing is that it would be easier if you come here, pick the boxes and jump until your apartment."
"So I put my suit on, even with the cape, I come where you are stuck, I pick the furniture and while everyone is looking at me, I leave with the boxes. That's not discreet!" He joked.
"Well, you are right, but not a 100% right! I'll be there in ten minutes."
The daxamite had to wait for his friend a bit longer than ten minutes but he was glad to see him when he showed up driving the van.
"Here you have your stuff." Said Winn and he opened the van's doors.
"Thank you, thank you."
"You'll have to try better. Thank you isn't enough."
"Yeah, I know. That's why, before you came, I put some beers in my new fridge."
"You're good doing human stuff."
"I'm a fast learner." Mon-El started to pick the boxes and left them in his apartment, in barely seconds. Winn just waited until he finished, because, to be fair, they will finish earlier if Mon-El used his powers. In less than ten minutes all the boxes were on Mon-El's apartment. But the hardest part was still not done. They had to assemble all the furniture yet and the instructions weren't that easy to understand.
Three hours later and after drinking a couple beers, the friends finally finished with the furniture.
"You know you owe me a huge one?" Winn was on the floor, looking at all their work.
"I know, I know. You have repeated me that at least five time per hour. If you ever move out to a new apartment, I'm here to help." Mon-El was cleaning up all the empty boxes there were on the floor. "But at least, we finished. Right now it's finally my apartment." Suddenly his phone started ringing. "It's Kara." He told Winn. He nodded.
"Hi Kara."
"Hi Mon-El. Where are you? I've came to the bar and you weren't there."
"Well, the truth is that I'm with Winn. He came to see me looking for some advice and, well, he is so sad right now." Winn frowned and Mon-El continued with his lie. "So I joined him for a walk and I'm helping him to clear his mind."
"But is he okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, he's much better now. After a long talk he's recovered a bit."
"I wanna talk with him." Said Kara.
"What?! No!" Kara was surprised by his answer. "I mean; I don't think it's a good idea talking with him. Right now he can't think about women and if he talks with you, a woman, he will be sad again." Kara was so confused.
"Well, can you tell him that I will call him later?"
"I'll tell him. I love you." Mon-El ended the call. The daxamite looked at Winn and saw that he was laughing.
"You're a good story teller. Really good." He couldn't stop laughing. Mon-El joined him.
It was seven o'clock pm. Kara just got home and put comfortable clothes on. She checked her phone. No messages or missing calls. Mon-El had been acting weird for the last month and she didn't know why. She would ask him as soon as he see him again. She prepared a cup of tea, got comfortable in the sofa and turned on the TV. Her phone started ringing a few minutes later.
"Hi Alex."
"Hey Kara. I need you in the DEO. It's an emergency."
"I'm on my way." Kara stood up and flew there. "What's the emergency?" She said when she arrived.
"It's in the training room." Kara started walking and Alex was behind her. The kryptonian was so focused on trying to figure out what was going on that she didn't realize what was happening until her eyes were covered with a mask. "I only follow orders. Relax and let yourself be surprised." Said Alex. Kara tried to use her X-Ray vision, but it didn't work. She guessed that the mask was probably covered with lead.
They walked for a while and they took the elevator until the parking lot. They got into Alex's car and she drove for over ten minutes.
"Am I going to hate you?" Asked Kara. Alex smiled.
"I think you're gonna love me more." Alex stopped the car, got out the car and help Kara. She suddenly felt two hands on her shoulders. "All yours." Said Alex to the other person.
"Thank you." It was Mon-El.
"I'm very intrigued about all this." She said, honestly.
"Well, the waiting is almost over." Mon-El and Kara got into a building and took the elevator. They stopped some floors later. Kara could tell that Mon-El was opening a door. "Ready?"
"Of course." Mon-El took off her mask and Kara could finally see. Her eyes had to get used to the light but when they did all the kryptonian saw was an apartment, a little bit smaller than her own apartment but with good taste in decoration. "Where are we?"
"Welcome to my new apartment."

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