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"How are you doing?" Alex was talking from the DEO.

"Let's just say I've had better days." Mon-El was holding a beam to keep the whole building from falling.

"I've already evacuated almost everyone. I still have to check the top floor." He announced Kara, who was flying up and down rescuing the people who were in the building.

"The firefighters are arriving to support you in whatever way they can." Winn reported. Kara was starting to hear the sirens. If the firemen could handle the fire, she could help Mon-El with the structure.

And that's what they did. When the firefighters arrived, Kara had already evacuated everyone in the building so she informed the fire department of the plan and they agreed, so Kara flew into the basement, dodging flames.

"The firemen are taking care of the fire." Explained the Kryptonian to Mon-El.

"Perfect. I would need something to support the whole effort of this beam." Mon-El looked back and forth, looking for something that might be of help to them.

"Wait a minute." Kara went out again in search of some metal beams that might help her. She had used that tactic more than once, so she knew her plan would work. She found some beams in a transport truck and took them to the building as quickly as possible. She could see how the fire was practically extinguished so she went back down to the basement and began to place the beams in such a way as to stabilize the building. Mon-El released his hands from the pillar he was holding carefully. Kara had sealed it well, so the building wouldn't budge. They left as quickly as possible and when they saw that the firemen had everything under control, they went back to the DEO.

"Do we know who caused it?" Kara said as soon as she came in.

"You're not gonna like this." J'onn sounded very serious, so they followed him to the central hall. Winn pressed a button and a video started playing on the screen.

<<I'm here looking for Mon-El of Daxam. He is the heir to the daxamite crown and the only one who can revive our planet. But you decided to leave us. You abandoned your people for a few earthlings. I've been watching you. I know where you work, who you hang out with, who you date... And Ethan. Go back to your planet, with your people, and no one will get hurt. Otherwise, you know who will suffer the consequences.>>

The video is cut there, leaving Mon-El paralyzed and Kara radiating anger.

"What do we know about him?" Kara asked, still clenching her fists.

"The signal comes from outside Earth, but I can't tell you more either." Winn explained.

"He's waiting for an answer from you, Mon-El." Alex said.

"I can't do what he demands." Finally, he spoke." I gave up everything I had because I didn't want to be part of that world. They made me be someone I'm not.

"And you won't have to do anything." Kara intervened. "We will defeat him. Him and anyone who threatens you."

"You have to think about how to defeat him before he destroys something else or hurts someone." J'onn followed.

"We should start by answering this message. Mon-El, you should propose to meet face to face to talk." Suggested Winn.

"It's the best option we have." Alex said, not taking his eyes off Mon-El and Kara.

And that's what they did. After recording a brief message Winn sent it to all the ship located at the distance at which the daxamite ship was to be found. They waited a few hours until they sent another message with some coordinates.

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