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*18 months later*
"I can promise you I miss it. You don't know how much!" Kara complained to her sister.
"You don't have to say it twice. I can tell." Joked Alex. They were on their way to Mon-El's apartment, or rather their apartment, as Kara moved in once they got back from their honeymoon. Now her small apartment was rented to a new Catco journalist, Nia Nal. She was a lovely girl, and when she told her she was the daughter of an alien, she couldn't help but welcome her and help her in any way she could. She knew her apartment was in safe hands and that it wouldn't lose its essence.
"It's just that I know it's very selfish to say this considering the reasons why I'm doing it, but it's really like a piece of me being taken away."
"But this is only temporary, Kara. In a few months everything will be back to normal. More or less." Alex was trying to cheer her up. Kara pulled out the keys and opened the door.
"Aunt Alex!" Ethan ran to his aunt and she took him in her arms.
"Look how tall this child is! How are you, little man?"
"Good! Today at school we did a trip to Midtown Park and it was super cool." Ethan was becoming a very curious kid and was enjoying everything he was doing. The truth is that he was handling the recent changes in his life very well.
"You don't say hello to Mom anymore or what?" Mon-El showed up from the kitchen with a rag on his shoulder.
"Mommy!" The little one came up to the Kryptonian and gave her a kiss and a hug. Mon-El came up to them and hugged Alex and waited until Ethan had finished saying hello to Kara to say hello to his wife.
"How are my girls?" The Daxamite came up to Kara and kissed her on the lips. He then bent down a little and gently stroked the Kryptonian's belly and then gave her a tender kiss.
"Today was quiet, thankfully. So I'm not too tired." The three adults and the child moved to the sofa, to chat more comfortably. "Although not being used to feeling pain makes me suffer way too much." She said. Alex and Mon-El smiled.
Kara was nine months pregnant and childbirth was imminent. She left Supergirl's suit when she was 4 months pregnant, when during a fight she almost lost the baby. It was at that time that she decided to take a hero vacation period to take care of herself and relax. As for Catco, she'd been working from home for a couple of months. Being an uncommon pregnancy on Earth, they wanted to minimize risks, and while Catco was not dangerous, she would be more comfortable at home. The birth had to be at the DEO, where they had been studying the risks and difficulties that an alien childbirth might entail. Though deep down they were scared to death, Kara and Mon-El were eager to meet their daughter and start a new chapter in their lives. Ethan had been very excited about the idea of being an older brother and kept redecorating his future sister's room, putting on and taking off stuffed toys.
"Although you told me that you are feeling well, I had been far-sighted just in case and had prepared a bath with lots of foam, relaxing music and a few snacks." He started saying Mon-El. "So, if you'll join me, Mrs. Danvers-Matthews." Mon-El reached out to her and Kara leaned on him.
"Next day I come, I'll call you a little earlier and you can make me one too." Joked Alex, making the couple laugh.
"I'll have to check it with my schedule." Followed the daxamite. The couple went to the bathroom holding hands.
"You don't know how grateful I am for this." Kara thanked him.
"It's my little contribution to pregnancy. Well, my second little contribution." Kara laughed. "But seriously, it's the least I can do. Make my wife suffer as little as possible and thank her for her patience in carrying our daughter for nine months." Kara got into the bathtub and Mon-El bent down to kiss her on the forehead. "Call me if you need me." And having said that, the Daxamite left the Kryptonian alone. He returned to the living room, where Alex was playing with Ethan with some cars.
"She's exhausted. Although she doesn't like to admit it." Said Alex when he saw his brother-in-law.
"Yeah, she really is. She should have been in labor two days ago, so the countdown really started." Alex looked at him confused. "What? I have everything studied to the millimeter. Who do you think bought all these books?" He pointed to the shelf, which was practically occupied by pregnancy and paternity books.
"Well, the truth is, I think we've all become a little obsessed. I think I have half the books at home." Alex commented. "But I guess it's normal, especially given the circumstances." Mon-El nodded. They spent a while playing with Ethan, who was making up games on the fly until they heard Kara coming out of the bathroom.
"Guys."  Her alarm tone caused both Alex and Mon-El to jump off the floor. "I think we have to go to the DEO."

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