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Kara woke up disoriented. She had a hard time getting used to the light of the infirmary. There he was, at the DEO, recovering from the blows she had received the day before.

Suddenly she realized she wasn't alone. At her side, sitting on an armchair was Mon-El, completely asleep. She stared at him for a while. He looked so relaxed even though he was sleeping in such an uncomfortable place. He was completely disheveled, which made him look more adorable. It had been a very intense few days, between the fight and Et'han, the daxamite had not stopped and had hardly slept. The truth is that she liked to see that facet that Mon-El showed when he was with the little one. He seemed to enjoy a lot and, to be honest, Mon-El and Et'han worshipped each other.

The baby's crying made the daxamite wake up all of a sudden. Kara pretended to be asleep, because she didn't want Mon-El to stay awake for her. The daxamite got up and went to the next room, where the little one was. In a few minutes the crying stopped and Mon-El sat down on the couch again, not before checking that Kara was well. He took a lock of the Kara away from her face and the Kryptonian smiled to herself. Without realizing it, she fell asleep again.

"How is she?" Alex whispered.

"She's been asleep for a while, but I think she's fine." The daxamite answered.

"Go home and rest in good condition." The agent suggested.

"I'm fine, really. I got some sleep tonight and I feel like my batteries are charged. Besides, I want to be here when she wakes up."

"I understand that you want to be here when she wakes up, really, but you've been going through a few exhausting days. If Kara wakes up, you'll be the first one I call, I promise. Also, with Kara in this state, you have to protect the city and for everyone's sake, you'd better sleep for a while in a good bed." He thought it for a few seconds, because he knew that Alex was right and that he hadn't really rested at all.

"Okay, but whatever it is, you call me."


Mon-El arrived at his apartment and found it just like the last time he had seen it: shattered. He picked up the most visible things, such as broken glass or things that had fallen to the ground. Once he had it more or less everything he put on a sweatshirt and got into bed. He would finish when he woke up. The daxamite fell asleep in just a few minutes, as the tiredness outweighed his thoughts about Kara and Et'han.

At the DEO the day was quiet, which made Alex spend much of the day in the infirmary, keeping Kara company. She also looked out for Et'han, who, despite not crying too much, had a few tantrums. She was reading a newspaper that an agent had brought her when Kara woke up.

"Is there anything interesting I should know?" Asked the Kryptonian, referring to the newspaper. Alex jumped up and down because she didn't expect anyone to talk to her, although she instantly realized that her sister had finally woken up.

"Kara!" The agent got up and went to hug the Kryptonian. "How are you? Do you have your powers back? Do you want anything?"

"Calm down, calm down, I just woke up." Kara laughed. Alex sat down again, a little quieter. "I feel good and I think" she paused to check if she had powers. "I already have my powers back." She had tested the X-Ray vision and it worked for her. "And no, I don't need anything, I'm fine."

"Great, I sh. . ." Suddenly Et'han cried again, interrupting the agent. Alex left the living room and went to see what was wrong with the baby. It was time to eat so she took one of the purées they had bought him and called an agent to take care of feeding him. Then she went back to the infirmary with Kara. "This kid is a watch, he knows perfectly well when it's time to eat." Kara laughed.

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