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"Thank Rao we're finally home!" Said Mon-El and he jumped to the sofa. Kara put the pizzas in the kitchen island and got comfortable in the sofa too.

"I've been standing all day." She closed her eyes for a moment, to relax them after the long day. When she opened them again, she found out Mon-El staring at her. "What?" She asked him, while she was smiling at him, suddenly shy.

"Nothing. It's just that you're beautiful when you put your tired puppy face." Mon-El tried to mirror her face by putting his lips so together and a sad face. Kara, who was blushing for the compliment, smiled unconsciously, because that was what she was always doing when Mon-El was around. "Are you laughing at my face?" Joked Mon-El trying to act like if he was being insulted. "I can't allow that." As fast as he could, he pounced on Kara and started tickling her. Even though Kara was stronger that him, she couldn't push him away because of his tickling strategy. The living room was filled with laughter from the two lovers. Kara counterattacked by kissing him, because she knew that he hadn't tickles. The kiss was full of passion. They were still on the sofa, Kara on top of him. He pulled her closer while she was playing with his hair. They were still kissing until something separate them, and it wasn't the need of air.

"I think you stomach want to interrupt us." Mon-El laughed, still under Kara's body. She laughed too. Kara gave him a quick kiss in the lips.

"Let's have dinner." He nodded. Kara stood up from the sofa and helped her boyfriend to do the same thing. They walked to the kitchen and opened the pizza boxes. They returned to the sofa and sit there again with the pizza box in Kara's legs. Mon-El pulled his arm around Kara and they started eating.

"I think today has been the second best day since I'm on Earth." Said Mon-El. Kara was curious to know which had been his best day.

"You liked it?"

"I loved it. No one ever in Daxam had worried for me the way you all do here. And what you've done for me today it was, incredible. Thank you." Mon-El kissed Kara's forehead. They kept cuddling for a while until Kara moved a bit to ask him.

"By the way." Mon-El looked at her and nodded. –You early said that today had been your second best day on Earth and now I'm wondering what was your favorite." Mon-El smiled when he remembered his very favorite day.

"It was the first day I woke up in your bed and then you appeared with this adorable smile." Kara smiled. "Yeah, that smile. And you bought me flowers and coffee. This was definitely my favorite day on Earth. Well, with you all days are good.

"You're such a romantic, Mon-E! Is that something that comes with the term daxamite?"

"It's a term that comes with you. I can assure that I wasn't like that!" He laughed. "I wish I had been like this in Daxam. Things would have been easier."

"You've always been like this, but you'd never showed in Daxam. And, besides, you know I'm cheesy so you take that weakness to strengthen yourself." The kryptonian joked. "And that's a bad thing."

"It's also bad the way you smiled at me. How am I supposed to live with that smile?" Now Kara smiled on purpose.

"Now who's taking my weakness to strengthen herself?"

"I'm not, that's for sure!"

"Supergirl is a liar. You give a bad example to children. To me!"

"Now that you call me Supergirl... Have you thought a superhero name, kid? Kara said emphasizing the last word.

"I haven't. Yet. But I think that there's one name that fits perfectly with me and my personality and you can corroborate by the look you made me when you saw me with the suit. Supersexy is cool, don't you think?" Mon-El started moving his eyebrows.

"The ego!" Kara stood up, knowing deep down that he was right and his suit was very sexy on him, and started to clean up. Mon-El helped her. "How about Superego? It fits better with your personality." Joked Kara.

"I don't know... There's something I don't think it fits that good." They both laugh. "Now I'm serious, right now everything is so new, so I haven't think on anything yet. When I think about a name, you'll be the first one to know it. I can assure you that.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." When Kara turned around where Mon-El was supposed to be, he wasn't. He came back seconds later, wearing his pajamas. "It seems like someone is tired of his first day as superhero."

"I'm exhausted. I help you cleaning up and I'm going to sleep."

"Everything is almost done. Go to sleep and I will join you in five minutes." Offered Kara.

"Are you sure? We can finish faster if I help you."

"Go. To. Sleep. Now." Commanded Kara, joking.

"Okay, mom, Good night." Mon-El got closer to Kara and kissed her softly.

"Good night." Mon-El went to the bedroom and lied down in his side of the bed.

Kara, on the other hand, finished cleaning up and she literally flew to throw the garbage. Coming back seconds later. When she went to the bedroom she found the daxamite sleeping. She smiled unconsciously and wrapped him with the sheet. She put her pajamas and lied down in the bed, next to Mon-El. He must be very tired. Thought Kara, while her eyes were travelling from his closed eyes to his pointed nose and his thin lips. The kryptonian fell asleep staring at him.

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