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"No!" Screamed Kara. She flew as fast as she could until the last place where Mon-el was seen. The tears appeared in her eyes and she couldn't see anything. She couldn't lose him. She just couldn't. Her mind was full of pictures, memories of them together, watching TV on Sunday or hanging out after work. She remembered that day when they recently started their relationship where Mon-El spent de night in her apartment. Actually it was the first day they woke up one next to the other.


Kara opened her eyes and found Mon-El staring at her.

"Good morning." He said in a bare whisper.

"Morning." Answered her in a sleepy voice. "Have you been awake long?"

"I don't know. Time flies when I look at you." He smiled. Kara couldn't help but blush. "Did you know that seconds before you wake up you do a tiny noise?"

"I don't do tiny noises!" Defended herself the kryptonian.

"I've just heard it. And it was so cute, actually." Mon-El laughed still looking at her.

"What do you want to do today?" Kara laid her head on his chest.

"Hmm, why don't we stay here all day?" Mon-El hugged her and stay like that for a while. Kara got closer to his lips and kissed him.

"But I'm hungry." Mon-El laughed and stood up to prepare the breakfast.


Kara couldn't find him. She was using her X-Ray vision to look through the water but she didn't see anything. This had to be a dream. A nightmare, actually. Kara kept looking.

Suddenly she saw something red. She didn't think it twice and plunged into the water and swam nonstop until she found the red fabric. Mon-El was there, apparently unconscious. Kara pulled him out of the water as best she could and flew to the nearest shore. She lay Mon-El down carefully and took his pulse. It pulse was slight but he was breathing.

"Mon-El, wake up. Wake up, please." Kara grabbed the daxamite's face with both hands. The tears started coming up, free. "Please." She said in a whisper. Kara closed her eyes trying not to let the tears out of her eyes. Mon-El started coughing. Kara opened her eyes again. The daxamite tried to move.

"Kara." He whispered.

"I'm here. I'm here." Mon-El opened his eyes and he found Kara's smile. He couldn't help but smile back at her, too. He raised her hand and dried the tears on Kara's face.

"I've diverted the bomb."

"Yeah, you did it. But you shouldn't have waited that long to drop it." She argued.

"I had to protect the people above all. That's the only thing that matters." Kara looked at him with proud in her eyes. He was the superhero she had fallen in love with. She couldn't help but kiss him. Demonstrate him how much she loved him.

"I'm so proud of you. But don't do it again. I can't lose you."

"You won't. You won't lose me." Now Mon-El kissed her, to keep his promise.

Bit by bit Mon-El got better and could stand up. Kara helped him, though.

"You should rest. I take you the DEO."

"I'm fine. Let's go after Max." Kara looked at him and knew he wouldn't change his mind.

"Fine, let's go after him and finish with all this mess." Mon-El nodded and they looked for Max. After some minutes of searching, Winn told them the place where the scientist was hiding. He was entering an apartment building.

"Max!" Yelled the girl of steel. Lord turned back and looked at her, surprised.

"Wow, Supergirl, you've survived! How is that even possible? Are you immune to the kryptonite, now?

"I've had some help." Mon-El landed next to Kara.

"There's another Superhero in town! I have to admit that I didn't see that coming. But still, there probably are some lives that you haven't been able to save."

"Well, let's say that your nuclear bomb didn't have the first word in its construction. Sorry not sorry." Explained Mon-El. Max was finally surprised. Kara could see it in his look.

"It's over, Max."

"No." In a quick move, Max captured a little boy that was walking with his mother. He aimed the kid with a gun.

"Don't hurt him!" Yelled the mother. Max stopped pointing the kid and now his next target was the mother.

"No!" Shouted Kara and Mon-El at the same time. When he pulled the trigger, Kara ran to stand between the bullet and the woman. After that confusing moment, Mon-El took advantage of the scandal and separated the kid from Maxwell Lord. He punched the scientist in the face and he fell in the ground.

Kara helped the woman to stand up. The woman thanked her and reunited again with her son. The sirens of the police cars began to ring and they arrived at the scene of the fight. Maggie stepped out of one of the cars and handcuffed Max, who was still a bit stunned by the blow he had been given by Mon-El.

"Well done, guys." Said the cop to the couple. They looked at each other and smiled.

"There is a happy ending to this story." Commented Mon-El. Kara nodded. They were walking by the police area when they saw the press arriving to the scene. They couldn't help but listen what they were saying.

Apparently the scientist Maxwell Lord had all planned. Close sources clarify us that the bomb was covered with kryptonite, which made Supergirl weak to it. Luckily, Valor, as he has been named in the social media to the new National City Superhero, could move away the bomb and save thousands of lives. Thanks to his courage, thousands of families can have dinner together.

"It seems that you've been named." Said a smiley Kara. She liked that name for Mon-El.

"It looks like that. I will have to get used to it. This time I took all the headlines." Mon-El joked.

"That'sjust because you are the novelty." Continued the Kryptonian. Kara and Mon-Elwent to the DEO. 


Sorry for the long waiting. I couldn't write due to my holidays :(

I hope you like it!   

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