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"What is all this?" Mon-El was so confused. He stared at the huge luminous banner that was in the middle of the room with the message Happy Birthday! on it. Kara, like everybody else, was looking at him, waiting to see his reaction towards all the party. "Is this a surprise party?"

"Yes, buddy." Winn started talking when he saw that Kara couldn't start. "This is your party." Mon-El smiled, but still didn't know what was going on.

"We've been preparing all this the last weeks." Kara started talking, finally. "I remember that once you told me that on your 15th birthday there was a huge storm in Daxam and you couldn't celebrate it with a party.

"Worst birthday ever." Everybody laughed.

"Well, there was the same storm in Krypton when I was a child. So, with the help of a team we've been investigating and we've figured out that your daxamite birthday is today here on Earth.

"Wow! And all this is for my birthday?"

"And for all the effort." They smiled at each other.

"So let the party begin!" Everybody laughed again and the party had officially started.

Everybody seemed to be having a great time. Maggie and Alex were talking and laughing, as well as Winn, James, J'onn and M'gann. Kara and Mon-El were next to one of the tables, talking.

"All this is wonderful." He said looking at the decoration. "You're wonderful." They look deeply in the eyes and like two opposite pole magnets, they got close until they kissed softly. "Shall we dance?" The daxamite offered his hand to his girlfriend and ran to the improvised dance floor.

"Here you know how to make party." Maggie told Alex.

"Well, we don't usually make parties in the DEO, but Kara loves making all this stuff and the truth is that the result is amazing." They were also dancing, Maggie's arms around Alex's neck and Alex's arms around Maggie's hip.

"Do you remember The Day of the Sun on Mars?" M'gann was telling J'onn.

"I remember going a couple times with my wife and my daughters. The party was beautiful.

"Yeah, all together, Whites and Greens, before the war started." Both Martians remained in silence, remembering The Day of the Sun and their families.

"Sir." Winn distracted them. "Well, we were thinking that this is not a party if..."

"Just beer, your all on duty." Continued J'onn.

"How did... Oh, of course, you can read my mind." Winn laughed. "Thanks, sir."

"These humans" Said M'gann and they both laugh.

The party was being as Kara planned and the guests seemed to be having so much fun. Mon-El was talking and laughing with Winn until Kara walk to the middle of the room and started talking.

"Well, this wouldn't be a party if there was no birthday gift."

"I thought that the best gift you can give to a daxamite is a party." They all laughed and Kara left and returned in a few seconds with a huge box. Mon-El grabbed the box carefully, because he didn't know if what was inside was fragile. The daxamite opened the box. The first thing he saw was the red in the fabric. He took the suit full of joy and he completely saw it. It had a golden belt and a blue cape, but, what really attracted Mon-El's eyes was the symbol.

"It's your symbol." He said a little bit moved looking at Kara. She smiled at him.

"I still remember when you told me that you'd like to see the S whenever your suit was ready." He nodded. "So that was the only demand I made to Winn."

"It's perfect, isn't it?" Add Winn.

"Completely right, buddy." Winn and Mon-El hugged and then the daxamite hugged every person in the room, thanking them for both surprises. Kara waited until her boyfriend finished.

"You liked?" Kara hugged him and Mon-El's arms placed around Kara's shoulders.

"I loved it." He kissed her forehead. "Thank you. This has been the best birthday ever. Because I know that people that's here appreciates me and they are not here because I'm a prince. And also, my suit fits perfectly with that of the girl of steel. She may have competence, now. -Kara punch him softly in the arm as they were smiling at each other.

"She won't be competence if we fight side by side."

"You're absolutely right, Kara Zor-El." Kara stand on tiptoes to be able to kiss him. It was a short kiss because they were interrupted by an alarm.

"Agent Schott, what's the emergency?" Said Winn while all the agents left the room to check their computers.

"It seems like an alien attack in Central Plaza. They are organized groups, seven or eight per group and they are frightening civilians." Maggie and Alex shared a look and then Maggie left the DEO to join her team in the police station.

Kara put on the suit in seconds and J'onn and M'gann changed their shape into the Martian one.

"Mon-El, ready for your first fight with your new suit?" Kara asked Mon-El. He put on the red suit. Kara saw how well the red was fit for Mon-El and she mentally thanked Winn for that color decision.

"Ready to go."

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