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"Kara, the bomb has been activated. And he's moving it." Warned Winn while he was typing so fast. Kara and the rest of the team joined the IT and looked at the computer screen.
"Do we know where is he moving it?" Asked Alex.
"Right now he's in the highway." Answered Winn pointing the car in the screen.
"I have to stop him." Said Kara almost leaving the building.
"But, with the modify piece, the bomb won't explode, right?" Asked Mon-El.
"It doesn't have the magnitude of a nuclear bomb but it's still one." Explained J'onn. Mon-El nodded.
"I'm coming with you."
"Not this time, Mon-El. Max recently returned to the city and he probably doesn't know that there's a new Superhero in town. You are our best shot, Mon-El. Stay here and I'll call you if I need backup." The daxamite nodded. Kara left the DEO.
She flew to the National City highway. She could notice a big black van. She used her X-ray vision to check if the bomb was inside the van. She was right. She could see the driver. It was Max and he was looking straight to the road. Suddenly, the scientist swerved from the path, abruptly slowing the drivers behind him. The van began to pick up a dizzying speed and the other vehicles that were affected deviated or collided between them. Max could drive until a sand path and drove a little bit slower. Kara followed him and she almost thanked him for staying away from the highway. The path had no exit so Maxwell got off the van. He was holding something in his right hand, possibly the bomb's detonator.
"It's over, Max." Said Supergirl.
"I knew you would come but I was hoping that I could detonate the bomb in a better place." Kara couldn't hate him more at that moment, but deep down she knew that his plan wouldn't work out and he will pay for his crimes.
"Why are you doing this? You used to say that you wanted to help people."
"And I still say that, Danvers. When this bomb explodes, its size will be that big that the media will have no doubt that this bomb is from the government. Which is the truth, thanks to your amazing help."
"All this is for what happened to your parents?"
"You wouldn't want revenge if someone killed the only people who loved you unconditionally." Kara felt a little bit bad for him. She knew what was the death of parents. She better than anyone but she wouldn't focus that anger on innocent lives.
"With this bomb you'll break families, kids will lose parents and parents will lose kids. They deserve all of this?" Kara landed next to Max, close to the van. Max was looking to the ground. Maybe she had convinced him. It seemed like a surrender.
"You're right." Kara couldn't help but get surprised. Max looked at the Kryptonian. "But this will explode, I can't control it. If I stop pressing the detonator, it will explode."
"But we can move it to a safer place." Suggested Kara. Max nodded.
Supergirl opened the van's doors and found the bomb. She got closer but something stopped her. She felt weak. She tried to make another step but the pain increased. Barely strengthless she used her X-Ray vision and scanned the bomb until she found the thing that was hurting her: kryptonite. "It was a trap."
"Did you believe that your stupid speech would soft me? Unbelievable that you still think that you can beat me with that." Kara was on the ground, trying to stand up. "I'm sorry but once I stop pressing the detonator, the bomb will explode in ten minutes. And you will be over." Max unpressed the button and dropped it. "See you! Or not." Kara saw Max getting in a different car. He had everything planned from the beginning. They had set a trap for him, and he, unknowingly, set them one, too. Kara connected the intercom.
"It was a trap. The bomb will explode in less than ten minutes. There's kryptonite in its nucleus and I can't move it to a safer place." In the DEO, agents were running one way to another. Mon-El, who had his suit on, left the DEO. He jumped until he arrived to the place, as fast as he could.
"Kara, Kara! Breathe, I'm here." Kara was on the ground, suffering the pain of the kryptonite. Mon-El couldn't see her like that.
"Drop the bomb somewhere safe. Quick." Mon-El nodded and saw the countdown. Two minutes.
With all of his strength, he grabbed the bomb and jumped as far as he could from the city. He thought that a good place to drop the bomb was the sea, but he didn't know how to cross it. Kara could fly but he had to land in the floor for a second before start jumping again.
"How can I leap in the sea?" He asked. He looked at the counter again. One minute.
"If you run fast enough and then you jump, your leaping will last for a little while longer and when you lose height, you can start getting impulse from the air." Explained Winn.
Mon-El did what Winn told him and it worked. He was far from the city.
Kara was recovering slowly. She could stand up and use her powers again. She flew until the highway and helped the people there.
"Mon-El, drop it now!" She heard Winn. Kara flew and looked at the sea, where a blurry Mon-El was jumping with the bomb. Suddenly she saw a beam of light followed by a huge noise coming from where Mon-El was supposed to be.

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