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*One week later*
Kara woke up before dawn. She still stayed in bed for a while as it was too early to start making breakfast. Besides, it was Saturday. She was thinking how she might have ended up a week ago, when Darius shot her near the heart. There had always been some risk to her heroic labors but she had never stopped to think that any day she might die. Luckily this had not been the case and thanks to the quick intervention of Alex and the DEO in addition to the sunlight she was able to wake up from a coma a day after she was shot. Still, they had all convinced her that Supergirl would have to be on leave for a week. After much squabbling, she finally gave in. So now Mon-El was in charge of all the superhero tasks.
"Good morning." Mon-El said in a hoarse voice. Kara turned to look at him.
"Good morning." She answered. And they came over to kiss gently.
"What are you doing up so early? Are you all right? Does it hurt?" Mon-El had become overprotective since she was shot.
"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry." Kara stroked his cheek. "For some reason I woke up earlier and couldn't sleep anymore." They kept quiet for a while, because the daxamite was still waking up. Soon they decided to get up and Kara went into the shower. Mon-El got a call and had to leave because of an emergency, so the Kryptonian took care of waking Ethan up and making breakfast.

"Thank you, Winn, for calling me like I told you." Mon-El said as soon as he entered the DEO.
"No need. That's what friends are for" Winn put his hand in his pocket and gave him a box. "Here it is. In perfect condition." The daxamite opened the box to gaze once more at the bright ring. He closed the box a moment later, although he couldn't hide it from Alex, who had just arrived in the central room.
"Is that what I think it is?" she asked excitedly. Winn glanced at Mon-El, who became nervous.
"Well. . . well, yes, I guess, I guess so."
"Can I see it?" Alex followed. Mon-El gave her the box and watched the human attentively, watching her reaction. She did not disappoint, as she sketched a broad smile and looked at Mon-El after closing the box again. "It's beautiful. I'm so glad you're going to propose." She gave him back the ring and came over to hug him. Mon-El felt full because from what he had seen in the movies it was important to have the approval of the family.

So he said goodbye to them with a wide smile and returned to the apartment, where Ethan and Kara were having breakfast.
"Daddy!" Ethan exclaimed as he raised his arms.
"Hey, little one." He approached him and moved his hair affectionately. "I'll be right back". He said to Kara as he gave her a brief kiss on the lips. He went into the bedroom and the first thing he did was hiding the box on the bedside table. He then quickly dressed in comfortable clothes and returned to the dining room for breakfast.
"How's it going? A lot of work?" Kara asked.
"Well, a small fire in a building. It wasn't too much." He lied, though Kara didn't notice it and took a sip of her coffee.

They spent the morning playing with Ethan and sharing lots of laughs. Mon-El internally thanked Alex for knowing his little secret to get her into the plan. He asked if she could distract Kara all afternoon so he could prepare everything. She accepted and offered to help with anything else if he needed it. So Alex would take care of Kara and Ethan would spend the afternoon and night with Winn, who had already prepared an afternoon of movies and action figures.
"Alex just told me if we're going shopping this afternoon." Kara said as she unlocked the phone with a frown.
"And why are you making that face? That's good, right?" The least convenient thing for him right now is that she didn't want to be with her sister.
"Yes, of course it's fine. It's just strange that she wants to go shopping. Well, I guess it's an excuse to see each other. I haven't seen her in days." Mon-El sighed relievedly. The plan was working.
"And when are you leaving us?" Mon-El asked her making a pout. Ethan, who was very perceptive for that, mirrored him and Kara couldn't help but laugh.
"Well, she told me to pick her up at her apartment any time I wanted, so I'll get ready and go." And that's what she did. In 15 minutes she said goodbye to Ethan and Mon-El and went to her sister's house.

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