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Mon-El got back from work earlier, after the lunch turn. He stopped by the supermarket near his apartment and bought all the necessary ingredients for the dinner. All of them had confirmed their assistance but James, who had a business trip. Kara asked him if Lena could come and Mon-El accepted. The more the merrier.

After the quick shopping he arrived at his apartment and started cleaning up. He wanted everything to be perfect. He put some music to make the cleaning more fun and in less than an hour everything was perfect. He still had two and a half more hours before the guests started coming so he decided to start preparing the meal. Something simple but at the same time elegant and well prepared. He took out a huge cookbook that Kara gave him before all this mess with Max and looked for the recipe he had in mind.

On the other hand, Kara left Catco as soon as possible to be able to prepare herself and help Mon-El with the preparations. It had been a tiring day, but the hours passed relatively quickly. She flew home and took a quick shower. After she was done with that she walked to her wardrobe to find something nice to wear. She opted for a green pastel dress matched with beige heels. As for hairstyle, she decided to make a simple pickup by braiding her hair. When she was ready, she decided to call Mon-El to ask him if he needed her to buy something.

"Mon-El on the phone." He said after he picked up the phone. Kara smiled unconsciously.

"Hi Mon-El."

"Something has happened? Any unforeseen?" He sounded worried.

"No, everything is fine." Kara heard her boyfriend sighing, relieved. "I'm just calling you to ask you if you need something."

"Let me see... I went shopping before but let me see if I hadn't forgotten something." Mon-El started opening and closing cupboards and the fridge. "I'm idiot! Tomatoes. I need tomatoes. How I'm supposed to do the tomato sauce without them?"

"I'll bring you tomatoes, chef. I'll come the sooner possible. I love you."

"Thank you. I love you. You're the best." And they hanged up the phone.

Kara stopped by the supermarket and bought what he asked. She waited the long line and paid. The Kryptonian arrived to Mon-El's apartment an hour before the meeting hour. She knocked at the door and waited for him to opened it. Instead, he talked.

"It's opened." Kara opened the door and found Mon-El with her back to the door, stirring something in a pot. Kara approached him from behind and hugged him.

"I'm here." Said the Kryptonian. Mon-El moved his head towards her and kissed her on the cheek. Kara stopped hugging him and Mon-El stared at her and her outfit.

"Everyday you're even more prettier." Kara got close to him and kissed him.

"Here you have the tomatoes." She gave him the bag and Mon-El took it.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Mon-el took the tomatoes from the bag and began to chop them.

"You can help me with the table." Kara nodded and started setting the table.

Half an hour later, Kara was sitting on the stool Mon-El had in the kitchen and he took off his apron.

"This is ready. I'm going to take a shower and get ready." He approached Kara and kissed her before he disappeared into his room.

"I'll be here." Kara stood up and turned on the music to make an environment for the dinner. She took her glasses off because everyone there knew her identity. Suddenly someone knocked at the door and Kara walked until she got there. She opened and found Winn and Lyra.

"Hi guys! Come in." Kara turned away from the door and the couple entered.

"This apartment has changed a lot since the last time I saw it." Commented Winn. "Where is my beloved friend, by the way?"

"Right here." Mon-El showed up dressed with a dark green shirt and black jeans. He hugged the couple.

"We brought the wine." Said Lyra giving him the bottle.

"you didn't have to bring anything. But thank you." The couple nodded. Someone knocked again at the door. It was Lena this time.

"Hello, almost wife." Joked Mon-El.

"I'm glad to see you again, Mon-El." Said the CEO. "This time there's no altar in front of us." She continued with the joke. Kara laughed behind the scene, happy that they were getting along well. "Maybe it's a cliché but I brought flowers." Lena got in the apartment and gave Mon-El the vase.

"They are gorgeous. Thank you." Lena approached Kara and they hugged.

"Is he always this funny?" Asked her, referring to Mon-El. Kara nodded, laughing.

Ten minutes later arrived Maggie, Alex and J'onn, who coincided in the street. Alex and Maggie brought a Tequila bottle and J'onn was a little more classic and gave him a doormat.

The guests got comfortable and sat down in the chairs. Mon-El appeared with the dinner and served a plate for every person on the table. The food received many accolades from the guests.

"You should cook for the DEO. We would have a better diet with less fast food." Suggested Alex, making the others laugh.

"I don't about you guys but since he works next to Catco my food is always delicious." Followed Kara. Mon-El smiled at her.

"You don't work in the bar anymore?" Asked Winn.

"Nope. Now I'm a chef. The apartment bills will not be paid alone." He joked.

"I'm happy for you, Mon-El." Said J'onn.

The dinner passed between jokes and trivial conversations, in short, with a very pleasant atmosphere which everyone enjoyed. After dinner they opened the tequila Alex and Maggie had brought and had some drinks. Although alcohol didn't have effect on Mon-El, Kara and J'onn, they also joined their friends.

Itwas almost midnight when everyone left. Only Kara and Mon-El remained in theapartment, picking up and cleaning. Kara removed her heels and was barefoot asshe picked up the dishes from the table. Mon-El swept the floor, while. It tookthem about twenty minutes to pick up everything and then they got comfortablein their pajamas and went to sleep.    

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