Chapter 15 - The Cassano Dinner

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The Cassano Estate

Hong Chayoung took a deep breath as she looked out the window, gazing in awe at the huge building in front of her. "We have arrived, dr. Hong," Secretary Kim announced as he glanced at Chayoung from the rearview mirror. 

"Wah, I never know such place exists in Seoul, Mr. Kim," Chayoung said, still mesmerized by the Cassano Estate. Secretary Kim chuckled and nodded, "not everyone knows this property exists. Only some people, including you." Chayoung was even more in awe at that fact. The Cassanos are indeed very important people, she thought to herself.

Someone then opened the door for Chayoung, allowing her to step out of the black BMW that picked her up from the hospital. The man who opened her door bowed respectfully at Chayoung which made her flustered and bowed back. "Mr. Kim, I hope I'm not underressed," Chayoung looked at Secretary Kim who was now walking next to her. Chayoung was just wearing her usual off-duty outfit; black dress pants, white blouse and her usual beige trench coat. 

"No, you're just fine, dr. Hong. I've arranged the dinner to be casual knowing how you can't accept any expensive dinner. I have to really persuade Mrs. Cassano on this one, but knowing it'll harm your career, Mrs. Cassano finally gave in," Secretary Kim smiled at Chayoung.

Chayoung just nodded and followed Secretary Kim to enter the building. It took almost ten minutes for them to finally reach the backyard where the dinner was held. The Cassano Estate was that huge. 

As soon as they reached the backyard, Chayoung was greeted by a beautiful dinner setting. There were some people who were already there. She recognized Mr and Mrs. Cassano, as well as Veronica who was waving at her.

"Dr. Hong! You're here already! Aigoo, I'm sorry I can greet you at the front entrance," Mrs. Cassano was quick to approach Chayoung and pulled her into a hug. She was flustered but returned the hug anyway. "It's okay, Mrs. Cassano, thank you for the invitation," she smiled.

"Dr. Hong, you're here!!" Veronica ran toward Chayoung and pulled her into another warm hug which made Chayoung laughed in return. "Hello Veronica," she greeted her.

"Vero, you're going to hurt dr. Hong to if you keep squeezing her like that," Mr. Cassano said which made Veronica pouted and pulled out her hug. "Mr. Cassano," Chayoung bowed to greet the middle-aged man who sitting on the wheel chair. "Don't be so formal dr. Hong, thank you for accepting our invitation," he said. "It's my honor to be here, Sir," she smiled again.

"Okay, okay enough for the chit-chat, I believe dr. Hong is starving after her shift," Mrs. Cassano chuckled and brought Chayoung to sit on one of the wooden chairs. Veronica quickly took a seat next to Chayoung which made her laughed. 

Mrs. Cassano sat right across Chayoung while Mr. Cassano sat at the end of the table. There were various Italian and Korean dishes served at the table. They were simple but still look very delicious to Chayoung, especially after her tiring shift.

"Where's Oppa, he should be here right now?" Veronica said and looked around. Chayoung was nervous at the mention of her brother, but Chayoung was relieved when she saw it wasn't the man she thought would appear. 

"Oppa! Here!" Veronica waved at him and made the man ran a little toward the table. 

"Ah, I'm sorry I'm late. This must be the very famous dr. Hong Vero can't stop talking about," the man said. He looked a lot more like Mr. Cassano and only looked a little like Vincenzo. Chayoung thought he must be younger than her. 

"Dr. Hong, this is my second son, Victor," Mrs. Cassano introduced them and Chayoung bowed a little to greet him. The man just smirked at Chayoung and took a seat next to her mother, right across Veronica. 

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