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Hey guys. This is it! My very first AU of Trolls. In this AU, the story is based on The Little Mermaid, which was an obvious reference since Techno Trolls looked like merfolks or mermaids to me. Since this is an "alternate universe", all Troll kind never split up, but the Troll Kingdom Map was still the same as the canon one. In this case, the Magic Musical Trolls were never split up with the Normal Trolls as they lived above with the other Trolls than underground. Trolls can visit different kingdoms as they like... except Techno Reef since it was still underwater. Techno Trolls were also living underwater, and never had a chance to go on land. They can't even walk with their own fins. Instead, Techno Trolls used giant fish bowls in wheels to transport in land, but all of them have one, only the royal leaders of Techno Reef. Due to being isolated from the Land Trolls, the Techno Trolls were unaware of the things on land, but they have a similar society like them. Also, in this AU, everything was like the Modern days with cellphones and wifis, even in Techno Reef, but the Techno Trolls have different appearances of their objects than on land. As for Aggie in this AU, she's still gray and hasn't chosen her music yet, and Trollex was still a prince, his parents were present, and Synth was still his twin brother. (It might be possible in the canon universe). TrollsTopia doesn't exist in this AU since the Trolls weren't separated.

In conclusion, what you were about to see in this story will be full of friendships, discoveries, romances, and a little bit of maturity (not by words), so that's why I made this story Rated T as a warning. It'll be a long way to go, but I hope you're going to like this story for now.


Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Troll Kingdom, there were seven different kingdoms with seven different tribes of Trolls. There were Pop Village lived by Pop Trolls, Volcano Rock City lived by Hard Rock Trolls, Lonesome Flats lived by Country Trolls, Symphonyville lived by Classical Trolls, Vibe City lived by the Funk Trolls, Harmonious Land lived by the Magic Musical Trolls, and Techno Reef lived by the Techno Trolls. Each place is unique and special. Each place has a leader or two. King Peppy ruled Pop Village, King Thrash ruled Volcano Rock City, Mayor Delta Dawn ruled Lonesome Flats, Wolfgang Amadeus Trollzart ruled Symphonyville, King Quincy and Queen Essence ruled Vibe City, King Galileo and Queen Bernadette Galido ruled Harmonious Land, and King Ocean and Queen Seastar ruled Techno Reef.

All of these different tribes of Trolls lived in perfect harmony together. They visit from one place to another. Sometimes, they even lived in different places because they wanted to. There was no war, no disagreement, and no argument between these seven major tribes. They all might have their differences, but nothing is gonna split the whole nation of Trolls.

In Harmonious Land, King Galileo Galido married his second wife, Queen Bernadette, and had a beautiful daughter together, who is yet to choose her music. Her half-siblings on her mother's side, Noel and Agnes Villareal, moved to Galileo's castle to live there as he treated his stepchildren as his very own. The King and Queen named their daughter, Agatha, but most people called her Aggie. She was a Magic Musical Troll who loved to go on an adventure, and hoped to visit different kingdoms on her own. She's been studying every place in Troll Kingdom, especially Techno Reef. But out of all the kingdoms, Aggie wasn't allowed to Techno Reef because it was underwater, and her parents thought she was too young to go swimming on her own into the deep part of the ocean. Harmonious Land was close to Techno Reef since the available land for Magic Musical Trolls to live was between Symphonyville and Volcano Rock City, and at the left side of Pop Village.

Aggie loved to stroll on the beach to smell the salty water, and breathe the fine cold breeze. She collects seashells by the shore, but for her, the beach is enough for her to collect more seashells. Everytime Aggie visited the beach, she always wondered what it would be like underwater. Would she find interesting seashells there? Or other underwater objects and creatures down there? She knew what Techno Trolls looked like when living underwater, but she wanted to know what life is down there. Aggie asked her parents to take her underwater many times, even if trying to ride a submarine, but her parents always disagreed with her. Her parents feared that she might drown, and if she ever will be going deep into the ocean, she won't make it to the surface to breathe. Even if they afford a submarine to visit the ocean, their daughter might take more interest in the ocean, and her life would change so soon.

Aggie was distraught by her parents' disagreement, and she hated that way. She didn't like how they treated her as weak, and might drown herself into the water. Galileo and Bernadette knew how their daughter took interest in underwater objects, so they decided to buy her some, and even her extended family did as well, but these objects are just artificial and Troll-made. They were the real thing. All Aggie wanted was REAL underwater materials, and the only way to find them was under the sea. While her parents were not around, and often visited the beach, Aggie practiced herself to swim from shallow to a little bit deep part of the sea. Though Aggie agreed with her parents about one thing: she can't swim way deeper into the ocean like the Techno Reef. She was terrified of drowning, to be honest, but she wanted to find more in the ocean, wanting to learn more. Books can be the solution, but it's different to see interesting facts in person. Aggie has her own waterproof glass helmet in order for her to breathe underwater while swimming. She was able to swim underwater, but in shallow parts only. She was able to get more seashells, and even other stuff that Techno Trolls accidentally left behind somewhere in the place.

Though Aggie was allowed to swim in the beach, she was secretly swimming way down and collecting stuff she found in the sea, and kept them in a secret room without telling her parents or anyone. Aggie loved her family, and she loved her life as a princess, but she always thought that something was missing in her life. And another thing, all she wanted was to explore more of the ocean, not just stay in land for the rest of her life.

Meanwhile, in Techno Reef, King Ocean and Queen Seastar had two sons, who were twins. The blue one was Trollex and the purple one was Synth. The King and Queen are proud parents when they finally have two sons. Since Trollex was the first one to hatch from his egg, he was declared to be the next in line as king. Trollex and Synth grew up together, enjoying listening to their parents' Techno music, and raved with their fellow Techno Trolls.

Though, at a young age, King Ocean trained Trollex to be a proper king, and made him study hard for his future, while his brother can rave whenever he likes, but their mother gave him more attention if ever Synth felt lonely. Trollex was bored of being the heir of the throne, and he didn't like to take responsibility too soon. He wanted to enjoy being a child for a bit, and have a normal childhood. Though he loved his parents, his brother, and being a prince, Trollex wanted was freedom as one of his goal was to go up to the surface to explore land, and have fun with the land Trolls of different music and tribe, but his father forbade him to do so, not because he doesn't trust land Trolls, but because the land might distract his son from his responsibilities as future king, and King Ocean wanted his son to stay in the ocean to live life as a Techno Troll.

Trollex didn't like any of his father's rules, and wanted to be free from him or the ocean. Curious of what was on land, he was studying books about land Trolls more than his own culture. But books didn't give much answers since some land Trolls have more interesting stuff than reading about them. Trollex has been sneaking out LED Castle with his best friend, Beat, the Techno Beat Drop Button, to find interesting land Troll objects. Most of them were found sinking down to the ocean floor. Trollex has been collecting ever since to study them for what they are and their purpose. He has been keeping them too to a secret place where his parents or any Techno Troll would never find it, and it was far away from the LED Castle. Only Beat knew Trollex was interested in land Troll stuff or his father would be mad at him for not focusing on his duties.

The one thing that Trollex was about his father was King Ocean arranged a wedding for his son and his childhood best friend Bliss Marina because, as future king, Trollex should've already chosen someone to become his queen, and he couldn't rule Techno Reef alone according to the law of Techno monarchy. Trollex was devastated. He may have liked Bliss Marina, but only as a friend, and he didn't want to get married soon or marry someone he didn't love. Trollex's life as a prince and soon-to-be-king was a prison to him, and he couldn't escape as long as his father kept telling him what to do.

With these two Trolls, they have their own worlds, but they wanted to live and learn in different worlds opposed to theirs. The princess of the Magic Musical Trolls of Harmonious Land wanted to adventure underwater, while the prince of the Techno Trolls of Techno Reef wanted to learn more on land. What will happen if two Trolls from two different worlds meet and unexpectedly fall in love with each other?


Okay, so the first chapter here is just a short summary, giving you a little heads-up of what the story is all about. So, I hope this short summary might catch your interest in what you will read more in this story. I already completed 8 chapters so far, so I'll be updating every 2-3 days, giving you all enough to think if you're still interested in this AU.

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