Happy New Year

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In Techno Reef, Trollex was in his room, still imagining that night when he and Aggie almost kissed, and it was so embarrassing. If they kiss, their friendship would've been over. But that was a close call.

His thoughts interrupted when Synth and Beat came to his door.

"Trollex, dad's calling us," Synth declared as he and Beat swam off.

Trollex sighed sharply. He didn't like how his father made the announcement. He was always strict, and he wanted everyone to listen to his announcement. He clicked his tongue, and swam out of his room.

When Trollex, Synth, Beat, and Laguna came to the throne room, Ocean and Seastar were waiting for them.

"Okay, I'm glad everybody's here," King Ocean smiled.

"What's going on, dad?" Synth asked.

"As you all know, the Pop Trolls were hosting the New Year, and every year, only Seastar and I attended the New Years," the king announced.

"So, we've been discussing about it," the queen added exciting as she told her sons, "Trollex, Synth, I think you two were old enough to explore the world, so... you're coming with us tonight."

Synth gasped happily as he swam in loops excitingly.

But Trollex wasn't so excited. He already visited the land, and he knew this wasn't a reward. There was always a catch with his parents' announcements, "Let me guess, we're allowed to go on land only if you're around?"

"Well, you can go alone once you're close to becoming king, but Synth needs some company," Ocean explained.

"I do need it," Synth admitted.

But Trollex rolled his eyes. He was excited at first that he can visit land on his own, now he can see Aggie again in secret, but he knew there was gonna be a catch if it was his father's choice, "So, when can I go out to land on my own?"

"As long it's just a business trip, and not having fun. This is serious," Ocean approached Trollex, and wrapped an arm on his son's back, "Now that you're becoming king one day, you should stay focused on your real business when you visit the land, especially attending important meetings with the other leaders. Understand?"

"Yes, dad," Trollex nodded as he knew his own father can't give him fun, just wanting him to take his place, and nothing more.

"So, we have spare fish bowl carts for the both of you so you can visit the land without worrying," Seastar said.

Trollex opened his mouth as he was about to say that he didn't need a fish bowl cart and he knew how to walk, but if he revealed that to his parents, they would find out that he was goofing off with Aggie on land without permission. He decided to put his guard down and keep quiet. He'll just use the fishbowl carts if his parents were around.

Ocean then looked at his royal advisor as he swam towards her, "Oh, Laguna, do you want to come?"

Laguna's eyes beamed as she was surprised about the king's offer, "Really? You want me to come to the land?"

"Well, as an anTrollpologist, we figure out you want to study about the land for a bit,"

"I'll be honored," Laguna bowed down before the king, accepting the offer as he was excited that she could do a lot of research about the land.

"Oh, and we're going to pick up Bliss Marina. I already invited her, and reserved a fish bowl cart for her," the Techno King announced, much to Trollex's dismay.

That's what he needed. His father wanted to show off about his marriage to Bliss in public again. Now he's gonna be embarrassed in front of the crowd of Trolls when his father tells them about him and Bliss. This is gonna be a New Year celebration he will never forget.

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