The Collector

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On land, at the Country Area of Harmonious Land, a stampede of sheep scattered away in fear, leaving a cloud of dust behind them. Aggie was spinning her lasso in the air while riding on a horse to catch the runaway sheep. The horse she rode on wasn't a horse at all, but revealed to be a Normal Country Troll named Gust Tumbleweed, helping her catch a runaway herd, and bringing them back in their pen.

While Gust was rounding up the sheep, Aggie noticed a black one running away from the herd.

"Yeeeeeee-haaaaaaaw! Rope them doggies!" Aggie yelled as she finally threw her lasso to the black sheep, hoping to reach for it, and the rope tied it all over its waist. Aggie was happy that she got her sheep. She slowly pulled the rope with the sheep while Gust brought all of them to their pen.

When all of the sheep returned to the pen with Gust holding the door, Aggie hopped down from his back, and dragged the little black sheep into the pen with the others, and the Country Trolls closed the pen, and locked it tight.

"Great wawk, Aggie," Gust commented as he high0fived with Aggie, "Ay think y'all's lassoing skills done had done improved!"

"Thanks to you, Gust. I can't think of any best friend who can help me become a cowgirl other than you," Aggie patted Gust on the shoulder.

"Eh, that's what friends are faw," the Country Troll ruffled Aggie's hair, "So, what are ya gunna do faw the rest av the day?"

"Gee, I don't know," the colorless Magic Musical Troll shook her head, "I always go to the beach to collect more ocean stuff,"

"Whoa, whoa, settle down there, Aggie. Are ya sure ya weren't tered ov collecting mawe underwatuurr collection? Ay mean, ya collec since... fawevuurr!"

"I can't help myself, Gust! The ocean... it's like my one true love, and its materials and objects, they are filled with wonders I can't explain. Not just seashells, there are bright fishes, the beautiful corals, the beats of Techno music."

"What's awful wrong with Country music? ayn' what's awful wrong a-livin' on land?"

"Nothing's wrong with them, Gust... But I want something more, and I've been living on land my whole life. I want something new, I want something different," Aggie looked at the horizon, the direction where the beach is, "There's a whole other world out there."

Gust sighed while tilting his hat, feeling concerned for his friend, "Aggie, this here is where ya belawng. We live on land. Ay should know, I'm y'all's best friend. Ay know that there. As y'all's best friend, ay should be suppawtive, but ay don't want y'all ta get in trouble with y'all's parents."

"Exactly! And that is why I trust you to cover for me... and help me out if I find more ocean collection on the beach."

"I can't today, Aggie, I have important work to do."

"Important work? Was it the rodeo, or fun sheriffing... or your date with Holly Darlin'?" Aggie smirked.

Gust turned to her with a blush on his face, "What?! what makes y'all say that there?!"

"Come on, Gust. I know you and Holly have some kind of chemistry, and you have had a crush on her since we're kids! Maybe it's time to ask her out," the princess of the Magic Musical Trolls advised.

But Gust fiddled his finger in embarrassment as he stammered, "I... ay can't. I'm afeared she done might say naw, ayn' holly darlin' is too beautiful faw me."

"And deserves a handsome fellow like you," Aggie playfully punched him on his shoulder, "Gust, you're the most unique, honest, brave, loyal, smart, and determined Troll I know. How will Holly say no to that kind of Troll like you?"

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