Texting Buddies

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Hey guys, sorry I didn't update like I was scheduled to do so. School just started, and I became really busy. Luckily for me, I have time to update. I hope you like this chapter because this is a Chatfic.


In the Magic Castle, Aggie was in her bedroom, pacing around, feeling so bored, and didn't know what to do for the rest of the day. It's almost the holidays, but she wasn't so excited about it. She loved her family, but things got boring nowadays. Gust was too busy to spend time with her, so she's all on her own today.

"Man, nothing to do but to just visit the beach again or stay in the castle," she chattered to herself. She crossed her arms in grump. But then, she had her eyes on her phone that was charging. She remembered that she has Trollex's number now. That means she can text or call him whenever she wants, "Oh, I better text Trollex!" She has to. If she calls, then it might interrupt Trollex's duties, and his parents might confiscate his phone.

She took her charger off from her cellphone, and started texting.


In Techno Reef, Trollex woke up early for his session with his parents as Ocean and Seastar swam out of the castle with Trollex behind them, looking all tired.

"Come on, son. We need to check the coral reef if it is the right place for your wedding," Ocean said while making a tight grip on his trident.

Trollex just nodded tiredly and silently. He looked so miserable. But then, he was startled when he heard his clam phone from his hair. He took it out with his hand, and flipped it open. It was shown that Aggie was texting.

He opened the message, and revealed Aggie texting, "Hi Trollex! How was your morning?"

Trollex then blushed as he realized he had his new friend to text with. He didn't receive any text messages from any of the Techno Trolls he knew because everyone thought he was too busy texting with friends, which made him pretty lonely.

"I'll... I'll be right there!" Trollex called his parents before texting Aggie a message.

"Hello Aggie. I've been fine this morning. My parents took me to coral reef to check if it is a good place for my... ugh, wedding."

Back at Aggie's bedroom, Aggie was still sitting down on her bed, waiting for Trollex's message, if ever he'll reply. But he did. Aggie heard a *ding* on her phone, and read Trollex's message. She smiled understandingly. She then texted him back

"Oh my. Well, can you check that out for me? I wanna see if it's beautiful... not for your wedding, I just wanna see it."


Back to Trollex, when he received Aggie's message, he giggled as he replied to her again.


"Trollex!" Ocean shouted as Trollex heard his father shouting, "Let's go!"

Trollex nodded as he put his clam phone back in his hair, and followed his parents.


Aggie went out of the bedroom one time just to get some snacks, and read a small book that Bernadette and Agnes recommended so she can be a good queen someday. She hated reading these kinds of books, but she has too, just to entertain herself.

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