Part of That World

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Back at the LED castle, Trollex was called to the throne room where his parents sat down in each of their golden shell-shaped thrones. The princes have their own thrones besides each of their parents. Trollex's throne was a medium-sized white shell next to his father's, while Synth's throne was a medium-sized aquamarine shell next to his mother's. Trollex was now being admonished in front of his parents and brother with Laguna floating next to the royal family with her pen and clipboard while Beat was behind the open doors outside of the room.

"I just don't know what we're going to do with you, young Troll!" King Ocean sighed loudly.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I just forgot, I..." Trollex confessed, but he was cut off.

"As a result of your careless behavior, the entire celebration was ruined! You were supposed to host your very first rave, but you failed to show up!" The king of Techno yelled.

Laguna cut in, and snapped, "And I was supposed to be in charge to get you ready! This is one of the careers I was best known for. Now thanks to you, I am the laughing stock of the entire kingdom!"

But Beat couldn't stand of letting his friend get punished as he zoomed inside towards Laguna, "But it wasn't his fault!" When the antrollpologist backed away, she was near the king and queen, making Beat feel afraid of them. He started to explain, "Ah, well, first, ahh, this shark chased us. Yeah, yeah! And we tried to... but we couldn't... and," Beat made a growling shark sound with the King and Queen glanced at each other, "'Ggrrrrrr!'" and he got back to his normal voice, "and-and we... 'whoa!' Oh, and then we were safe," Beat sighed, and explained more, "But then, we found this object here, and we don't know what it was made of, but we...

"Object?" This got King Ocean's attention as Beat gasped that he couldn't believe he said too much, and hid inside Trollex's hair, "What? Oh, you went out to get more Land Troll materials again, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!"

"Nothing bad happened," Trollex grinned sheepishly.

King Ocean sighed while touching his head, feeling like he was having a headache, "Oh, Trollex, how many times must we go through this? You have no time to collect Land Troll stuff! You have more obligations as future king than thinking about all these!"

"Dad, I have all the time!" Trollex talked back.

"They are nonsense! We have all wonderful things here in Techno Reef and the whole ocean. Do you think I want my heir grow up to abandon and disrespect his own culture?"

"I'm 20 years old! I'm too old to abandon my own culture!"

"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young Troll. As long as you live under my ocean and I'm still sitting on my throne, you'll obey my rules!

"But if you would just listen..."

"Not another word! And I am never, NEVER to hear of you collecting more Land Troll stuff again! Is that clear?"

Trollex wanted to talk back to his father, but his lips wiggled and his glare changed to frown as he swam away out of the throne room with Beat in town.

King Ocean floated back on his throne in stress as Queen Seastar laid both her hands on her husband's hand. When the king looked at his queen, who had a concerned look on her face, Ocean realized he went a little too far. For him, it wasn't bad for Trollex to take interest on anything that was from land, but Ocean only wanted for his son to take responsibilities as king seriously, and shouldn't abandon his own life as a Techno Troll.

On his throne, Synth felt bad for his brother. He knew their father had pressured Trollex too much, so they didn't spend much time together as brothers. They were supposed to have fun and rave together, but their father dragged Trollex away, leaving Synth lonely and rave alone. Synth understood Trollex taking interest in the land, and he didn't need to investigate to know his brother well.

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