Chapter 16: The Start Of An Economy

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[South Forest of the Celeste Kingdom]

Upon seeing Asagi descending from the sky with a group of angels surrounding her on guard, the survivors on the otherhand which consisted of 18 males,15 females, and 7 children which is all in all about 10 family, was then at awe towards their appearance which could be describe as mythical

Under the question that Asagi had posed on the survivors, the leading male that is most likely at its 30's on the other hand, which seemed to be an ill equipped adventurer with a ragged sword and leather armor, then bravely confronted Asagi and replied to her question

"Who... who are you people? Are you the bird folks? Beastmen? Why are you in the territory of the humans?"

Hearing his reply, Asagi then tilted her head in confusion for a little bit, before turning her gaze towards her own companions

Afterwards she then seemed to realize that the person infront of her must have mistaken her and her own group to be a flock of bird folks seemingly intruding the human territory's airspace

Upon realizing that Asagi then clapped her hand together knowingly as she quickly fixed the misunderstanding between her and the survivors

"Ah! You must think of us as some kind of beastmen which is categorized as bird folks right? After all it can't be helped seemingly you guys noticing our wings"

Hearing her answer the brave adventurer like person then seemed confused for a moment before clearing something up

"Think? Are you saying your not bird folks? Dont joke around! Only the bird folks are the species that have wings protruding at their backs, in fact many of them even possesses white wings like yours... well maybe not pure white, but its still white"

Hearing that information, Asagi then seemed to have understood that the bird folks have people who had white wings like them, even thought not common, its still part of their categorization

With that Asagi simply nodded at the person's conjecture as she replied

"Well clearly you've mistaken our race, were not bird folks which is categorized inside the beastmen circle, instead were completely different both in level of species and status... our race are angels not bird folks... it would really help if you guys kept that in mind"

Upon hearing that not only was the person who confronted Asagi was dumbfounded and surprised, but even the other people in the survivors group were also surprised by what Asagi had said

After all just like what Anna and Lloyd had declared, the angel race is nothing but pure myths and fantasy towards them, since not one of its people had actually saw an angel before

Due to that experience and added to the fact that there wasn't much proof of their existence, the angels were then regarded as mythical or made up fantasy like creatures which is only told to children so that they would behave properly

But as if to break the awkward silence around everyone in the vicinity, Gabriel then immediately called out to Asagi

"Your majesty! Its still unknown if the surface is safe, thus with that notion I advise that you should continue your chat with the survivors back in the castle"

At that Asagi nodded gently as if understanding Gabriel's worries and actioned everyone to depart back to the castle

Alongside that Asagi then faced the survivors as she said

"Its not safe here on the surface, so I advise everyone to come with us so that we can bring you to a safe place, after that we will have a proper talk about the subsequent events"

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