Chapter 100: Battle at the Beast Grave Canyon (East) III

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[Beast Grave Canyon]

Under the lead of Junaid and his brothers, the rest of the southern forces alongside joint with the 27th, 28th, and 29th army then rushed up towards the center of the bridge in order to take down their target opponent situated in the area. In other words their main target of assault is the strongest tribal chief of the eastern tribe Gundahar himself.

As for the three brothers, Kavan is currently wielding his huge shield half his size together with his mace, while Koa is wielding his spear, and Junaid wielding his own battle axe.

As they charge forefront towards the formation of their enemies, they also then took down numerous mobile ballistas along the way and killed some eastern tribal warriors riding on top of their tamed beast. With each step they took, they then slowly come closer towards their expected target for this assault.

However the eastern tribes just wouldn't let them be done in just like that, once the southern tribes managed to push their way through near the middle of the bridge while breaking through their front formation, their attacks then soon grew fiercer as the supports from the ranged unit from the back aided their counter force at the front. With slight guidance from their respective commanders, the eastern tribal units wielding bows and arrows then rushed up to their side of entrance of the bridge as they stretched out the strings of their bow before releasing them into the air.

"Incoming! Take cover!!!"

Seeing the hail of arrows, some southern tribe warriors wielding a shield then raise up their their defensive structure as they covered their whole body away from the arrow of death striking from above. As the shielders bravely protected themselves, the other warriors then tried their best to outrun the hailing arrows from above as they ran forward and rammed their whole body towards the enemy, before using them as a meat shield for their own. As for the few they just tried their best to either dodge the arrow or parry them to the ground.

Even though each and everyone in the area used their own mean of protection from the arrows above, some were still done I'm as they got pwirced to the head and die in cold blood in this bloody battlefield filled with death.

After the rain of arrows ceded, a lot of the southern tribal warriors at the front were taken out, while some were in pain and agony from getting injured in their critical area. But despite their condition, the eastern tribes then took their moment of weakness, as a whole lot of them assaulted the recovering group and begun their massive killing spree.

With that both the southern tribes and the eastern tribes once more clashed against each other as they all tried to get the upperhand in this war they had initiated.

About two hours have passed, both side then incurred a lot of casualties from either sides as their own strong leaders begun show signs of weakening due to exhaustion from the battle. Surprisingly this time none of the leaders from either the east or south were killed in this time frame, after all with the sudden influx of soldiers, each leaders from respective tribes naturally have their hands full in dealing with the warriors from either sides.

This time another wave of reinforcements came from the eastern front as they rushed into the battlefield and assisted the leaders fighting at the field, this time a total of about 13 tribal leader of the eastern tribe are present at the battlefield, which slowly pushed back the southern tribal warriors once more. Apparently Callan, Gundahar's friend isn't included in the number, after all Gundahar had prohibited his friend and brother to join the battle in the bridge for some unknown reason only known to him.

Since that was the case, Callan simply stepped back in frustration and confusion on why his friend Gundahar prohibits him from returning to the field.

While that was happening due to the sudden rush of the enemy forces, Junaid was then separated from his brothers as he got surrounded from all sides and forced him to go all put just to survive the onslaught. On the other hand his brothers are unexpectedly facing the greatest and strongest chieftain of the eastern tribe after killing some eastern tribal warriors along the way.

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