Chapter 31: Crushing The Party With Looks

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[Celeste Kingdom]

During the night of the celebration, the celebratory party then commenced for the coming of age for the Crown prince Rodrick, with nobles and important famous people hailing from different parts of the kingdom, the party then easily became quite lively as it immediately filled with laughter and cheers all around

With Queen Celestia and Princess Hayne stepping out and standing by the side to make the Crown prince solo the spotlight, they were then left nothing to do but attend to their guest and friends as they discussed numerous events happening in the kingdom, of course alongside their current situation even the Pope of the catholic religion then attended the party to show his respect towards the royal family

Nevertheless the news of the angels and the floating kingdom wasn't kept a secret for long, as the merriness of the people in the party literally made everyone to spurt out such information, much less Princess Hayne who seemed proud enough to befriended the queen of the angels

With such a prideful claim, it naturally didn't bypass the ears of the other gossiping crowd, due to that Queen Celestia and Pope Michael couldn't help but slap their hand unto their forehead as they witnessed Princess Hayne's innocent but proudful claim, but such an issue didn't affect them that much since the Queen and the Pope had literally no intention to keep their allied kingdom's existence as a secret, they instead just wanted to solo it's existence even by just a few longer moments

Through such widely spreading rumor, it would literally take no time at all before the other neighboring country's to know of such an existence

If the Queen, the Pope, and Princess Hayne's situation is smooth sailing without any stress at all, Crown prince Rodrick who was wearing an elegant and gentlemanly party suite in red, and the star of the celebration on the other hand was in a lot of stress as he had himself surrounded by numerous noble ladies hailing from different prominent noble families and famous people's daughter

Of course each lady was as beautiful and gorgeous as the starry night in the sky, every one of them has a charm of it's own, some is shy, some are cheerful, some are sport like, some are intelligent, and some are elegant, each and every one of them is unique but charming beautiful ladies

As the future King of the kingdom and by his will, he could literally have every lady that is near him and be his Queen, concubine, lover, and women, after all the King's words in the kingdom is almost absolute, adding to the fact that his royal blood is precious as a porcelain glass

"Your highness! Your quite good looking!"

"Your highness! Would you please dance with me?"

"Are there any type of girl you like your highness?"

"Your highness! Do you have a fiancé? Lover?"

"Are you planning on having a concubine?"

With such questions and flirtatious upfronts from the noble ladies around him, Crown prince Rodrick couldn't help but just laugh dryly as he blushes, while knowing that every person around him has an intention of getting close to him for some selfish reason, after all whoever marries him will then become queen and it's family be elevated even more in the status quo

He wasn't stupid to not notice such an intention, thus he always keep his guard up, unfortunately his current situation was too much as the ladies slowly drew in closer to the point that their skin would literally touch each other

On one account he even accidentally touched a woman's breast by mistake due to him being tightly surrounded by woman, but nevertheless the woman in question never even showed a tinge of irritation and disgust but rather an upfront affection to get the Crown prince attention even more

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