Chapter 103: Battle at the Mountain Pass (North)

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[Mountain pass, border of northern tribes and southern tribes]

Pass a gap, or break, in high, rugged terrain such as a mountain ridge. A pass forms when a glacier or stream erodes, or wears away, the land between areas of higher terrain. Passes often provide the easiest routes for people to travel across steep mountain ranges. For this reason, they have played an important role throughout human history in migration, trade, and settlement.

Most passes are flat at their summits and have the shape of a saddle. They can consist of very short, steep summits, or expansive valleys that stretch for kilometers. Often, passes sit just above the source of a river fed by precipitation and snowmelt.

In this very moment, the mountain pass bordering the northern tribes and the southern tribes in the snow peak mountain range, is currently used as the warfront between the northern tribes front and the southern tribe front.

Currently timed a day before the stone fortress was attacked in the west and a day before the bridge got destroyed at the beast grave canyon on the east, the north side mountain pass was the appointed location where the army led by Boris tribe and 19 others gathered to face the 20 joint tribes of the north.

The current leader of the northern tribe army was named Payton who was rumored to be an excellent leader of the northern tribes who actually once led a revolution against the past tyrant ruler of the north. In this very moment the said respectable tribal leader was currently an enemy towards Boris for attempting to attack the southern tribes.



49 years old


Leader of the 1st tribe (North)


At that very day, the army led by Payton the standing leader of all tribes in the north, had then arrived at the mountain pass and were currently stationed against the defending army that Boris had led.

Just like any other traits that the four part tribes represent, the southern tribes are adept in strategies and tactic viewpoint which could be seen on their various checkpoint located all over their land. The west are adept towards their fighting capability of each and every individual civilians. The east on the other hand are adept in taming wild beast which they merged with their own army, Lastly the north are adept in using their aura much more proficient than the three tribes combined.

Each tribal parts has their own advantage trait which they excel in their own fields, and now they are clearly represented as the war goes on.

The moment the northern tribe army begun setting up their camp opposite from them and setting up their formations, Boris and the other tribal chiefs that were with him then begun an in-depth discussion on how to defend their own side. In comparison to the army stationed in both east and west which have a very disadvantageous number, their side on the other hand stand on equal ground against the northern army.

To serve as an example to their younger generations, they must not lose on their side of the war.

In that moment just as they were discussing on how to handle the northern army, a warrior then suddenly interrupted their meeting as he held a parchment tightly on his hands.

"Forgive my insolence for interrupting your meeting chiefs!!!"

Seeing the warrior's condition and the parchment on his hand, Boris then realized that he must have brought a message for the whole council that is so important to the point that he actually interrupted the meeting. Realizing that he then pardoned the warrior.

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