Chapter 67: New Home

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[Ice covered Port Town]

When dawn soon arrived at the ice covered Port Town, the whole area was then deprived of demons as the angels present begun to decompose the corpses of their enemies by ways of burning. While such a grand clean up was happening in front of the town, Asagi and the rest of the archangels were then accommodated by the towns people inside their townhall in order to welcome their reinforcements that had helped them in their time of needs.

Of course the town itself had already long lost its mayor including the top soldier of the town a few days ago, due to that the towns representative were then left at the hands of David as he entertain the guest of the town. The reason why he was picked as the town's representative was because he has already prior connection towards the two archangels even before the army of reinforcements have arrived.

While the townspeople were accommodating their guest, the rest of the archangels then begun their own discussion the moment both Michael and Sandalphon had reported their findings for the last three days. Since the town has a scarcity of accommodating humans, gathering an information was not an easy tasks. Thankfully they had their prime informant in the form of David to fill them up.

After hearing the report from the two specific archangels, the rest of the archangels alongside Asagi then begun giving out comments towards the near danger level that both Michael and Sandalphon had experienced that night.

"Both of you really got beat up, you both look really terrible" laughed Gabriel

"Oh shut it! Fighting without rest for a few hours isn't that easy you know! Even if we are strong, we'll still get tired due to our physical incarnation" retorted Sandalphon

"Still that doesn't give you an excuse to get overwhelmed by such level of enemies... your an archangel for crying out loud! your the face of our military might! If you guys get dome in at this level, you will tarnish the image of our kingdom" said by Uriel

"Its all about reputation to you doesn't it? You think its that easy?" Asked Sandalphon

"Of course! As long as we go all out from the very beginning, we wouldn't be done in like that" retorted by Uriel

"I've got a lot of people to protect behind me!!! If I let loose at that moment then everything that I'm trying to protect would be utterly destroyed! Didn't you think of that? So much for the archangel who held the rune law of wisdom" argued Sandalphon

In that moment Uriel was then left speechless as he was unable to refut Sandalphon's words, after all as an archangel they were supposed to protect the weak not abandon them. His pure suggestion itself contradicts their virtue, due to that Uriel was then put into a thought for a second causing the area to turn silent.

In that moment Ariel then interjected in between them as she said.

"Now! Now! Everyone calm down! There's no need for anyone to be angry alright? We all have our reasons why it turn out this way... luckily we were fast enough to provide an immediate support right? Isnt that enough?"

At her words all archangel then looked at each other before Gabriel gave out his comment.

"Thats true... however that doesn't change the fact that Michael made a huge blunder at the earlier stage of the battle forcing Sandalphon to be cornered by sheer numbers... if that blunder didn't happen, then perhaps Sandalphon wouldn't be wrecked"

In his words Gabriel was talking about the time when Michael was caught off guard as he was swallowed up by a demonic beast worm. Due to him being swallowed up not only did the demonicbeast pressured Sandalphon as a lone defender, they were also able to stall Michael for a few minutes causing numerous placed in the town to be attacked by the demonic beast wave.

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