Chapter 23: Arrival III

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[Celeste Kingdom]

Amidst the silence of the surroundings, coupled with the noise of the rain pouring heavily in the south gate of the capital city is Celeste Kingdom, every noble in the surroundings including the pope and the bishop of the church was slightly stunned and silenced upon learning that Asagi was a queen of another kingdom itself

If that was the case then this mere visit of another species is no different than a delegation of another kingdom visiting their country, thus in that moment a tense atmosphere enveloped everyone as the nobles begun to panic on the inside

After all no one had actually predicted that the little girl right in front of them  who is no less the same age and same charm as their kingdom's princess would actually be another royalty, but upon seeing that the two angels behind Asagi seemingly moving like a real proper royal guard, then such claim must be so

In that moment while the nobles, crown prince, and princess were panicking inside, Queen Celestia on the otherhand broke the ice once more as she cleared her throat and spoke out towards Asagi

"Then your a Queen yourself? a ruler of your own kingdom?"

"Yes" replied Asagi

Hearing that Queen Celestia then sighed for a bit as she said

"Then your visit is no different from a delegation, in other words then this visit can be said a formal visit coming from your side of the kingdom"

"Pretty much like that... well we were planning to secretly observe your capital at our own leisure, but upon seeing the crowd in this place, especially the fact that you guys seemed to have anticipated our arrival for some unknown reason, we then decided to actually confront you and make ourselves fully known"

Once more everyone was silent by Asagi's reply as they imagined that kind of situation

Since a first impression is important for everyone no matter what race you are,  every person in the vicinity couldn't help but imagine the scenario wherein the angels would be disappointed on their impression of their capital

Since mostly at times people evaluates the capital city as a base to know whether the ruler itself is good or a tyrant, a just or a corrupt person, a good governor or bad governor, people would then always make their capital city look good no matter the circumstances

In that moment everyone was then grateful for the pope for giving them a heads-up on Asagi's group's arrival

Pushing the tension aside Queen Celestia then regained her composure once more as she smiled and offered a roof towards Asagi, Michael, and Gabriel

"It would have been nice if you guys can walk around the city, unfortunately the weather isn't that accommodating today, with that i offer the roof in my castle and would like to have a nice chat with you  on equal terms... you know a talk between queens and ruler of each kingdom"

Upon hearing Queen Celestia's words, Asagi then nodded accordingly as she had no qualms towards talking to another person

Thus seeing Asagi nodded at her offer, Queen Celestia then ordered the people around her to prepare welcoming party for their visitors, of course not one of the nobles dared to refute her since their attention was fully focused on their certain pure white winged guest

With that some men then came with Carriages for everyone to ride towards the castle, through that Asagi, Michael, and Gabriel then occupied one carriage as they rode towards the huge castle at the center of the capital city

It didn't take them long to arrive at the castle, which consisted of few minutes of carriage ride  since they are already at the capital to begin with

Upon entering a covered drop point numerous maids, knights, and butler then came their way as they showed their extreme prowess and discipline to serve every important figures inside the carriages

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