Chapter 75: The Transmigrator and The Reincarnated

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[Celeste Kingdom, Capital, Middle Continent]

That day the meeting ended around the time of late noon, if it's equalized to the time on earth, the meeting actually ended at the strike of 4:30. After the meeting between the nation leaders in the middle continent, Asagi then hastily left the venue as she got an appointment towards the creator of the birthday cake that was presented during the celebration of the kingdom's princess.

If her assumption was right, then this world might perhaps have an idea on the knowledge regarding cattery. In actuality this world does not have any concept of catering or cake, thus if such a thing suddenly pops out, then this can only be explained by a third party means.

Since this world has no previous knowledge of such a thing, then the creation of the method catering was then either newly created concept of this world or the use of involvement of outer world knowledge. If the former was proven then such an event was a good thing, but if the latter was proven instead, then Asagi might be able to find a way on how to get back to her world by investigating such phenomena of other world knowledge transfer

Aside from that the information regarding the existence of the demons naturally took a hit on the various leaders in the middle continent, even the cool headed church she know was also wearing a grim expression. If everyone was wearing such a look after that announcement, then Asagi is then assured that such an issue is a huge thing. But most of all, Asagi was sure that the various religion in  the middle continent would start to stir at the mention of such beings.

The moment various religion in the middle continent start to take a proactive action, Asagi can then assume that a huge change would sweep over the middle continent in terms of authority and power.

At this very moment Asagi was currently walking down the street in the capital city together with Ariel and Uriel behind her, as they headed straight towards the address of the bakery shop where the cake was created. Even thought they were heading towards their location as guest, Ariel on the other hand couldn't help but worry of danger around them. After all Asagi was currently visiting the bakery using her real body, due to that extra vigilance was needed in order to ensure her safety.

Seeing her nervous state, Asagi then sighed for a bit as he notified Ariel to calm down.

"Ariel! you don't have to be stiff all the time you know"

"She's right! you look like a suspicious person due to how much your looking around" Added by Uriel

Hearing their words, Ariel glared straight towards Uriel as she humbly replied towards Asagi.

"Your majesty! you don't understand... your using your real body not your avatar body, thus extra vigilance is needed"

"Am i really that weak to put you on edge?"

"... That's not... what i mean"

"... I know, Its just that you needed to calm down"


"This is just a visit not an inspection"

After thinking up her words, Ariel then bowed apologetically, as she followed Asagi's words and calmed herself down. After all this is the capital city of the Celeste Kingdom, thus security in this place is pretty tight in comparison to other city in the kingdom.

Soon after they then arrive in front of the rumored bakery as Asagi knocked on its front door. After knocking three times, a sound could be heard inside as a girl at the age of 16 with auburn hair then opened up the door to greet its guest.


With that Asagi then asked.

"We are the people who appointed the time to visit the owner of this bakery, is the owner here?"

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