Chapter 66: New Hope

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[Ice covered Port Town]

For the nth time, the red demons had literally lost count on how many times they were shocked by their opponents strength. To simplify it all every feat that the opposing side had did, is somewhat astonishing and stupefying at the same time.

To enumerate everything, it all started when the two unidentified people showed their own strength and destructiveness as they defended the whole town with their presence alone. In fact the first time they saw them, they even disregarded their presence and concluded that they might be overrun by the demonic beast in the end.

However never did the red demons expected that such people themselves exude aura comparable to the divine race and was able to last the siege in two nights.

The Divine Race are one of the six oldest races of creatures to emerge onto the world  several eons ago when the world was a newly made. They are respected and revered by other races, even worshiped in some cases for their intense magical ability that can elevate members of their species to be on par with a demi-god.

These creatures live for vast amounts of time, bordering on immortal when compared to common folk like Humans, Elves, Demons, Beastfolk, and Dwarves yet they too have an eventual end in the grand scheme of things. Other races that follows the oldest race are just a branch of subcategory due to process of numerous mix and matching of mix breeds.

After that first feat, the next feat then came in as the an army of winged people exuding the aura of the divine race appeared in front of the huge wave meant to swallow the two people protecting the town. In fact realizing two people exuding divine aura was already shocking and alarming enough for the demon's present. Never had they expected that a whole army exuding the same might would appear before them.

After that came in of the third feat as a human mage showed up and exhibit his own power as he decimate a large portion of the demonic beast wave. At that never did the demons expected that such a human could wield such destructive power, for a moment they even almost mistaken such a human as the Grand sorcerer. A  title that could only be given to a specific person who becomes the greatest and strongest mage alive in its generation.

Even though the title Sorcerer king and Sages are wielded by people powerful at their own right, the title Grand sorcerer is still one league above such title. In comparison to sorcerer king and sage title which multiple people in a generation could achieve, the title Grand sorcerer can only be wielded by one person in each generation.

As long as the current Grand sorcerer is alive, such a title wouldn't be passed down towards the next generation.  But after taking a closer look at such a human standing arrogantly above the town's wall, they then realized that such a human was just comparable to an Archmage which is league below that the aforementioned titles.

Nevertheless despite having their evaluation gone low on such human, that particular human still exude a hint fragment of the blood of the divine race. In other words such a human must be a descendant of numerous mix breeding from the race of old.

Finally the last feat which stood out the most was the sudden outburst of divine power which stems out from the town itself. When a beam of light suddenly shot out from the town, the demons then realized that such a power would have come from a divine artefact or weapon of some kind. Even though such a power was astonishing, they still eventually snapped out of their daze and continued their fight against the angels.

After all the blood feud between the demons and the divine race had gone on since the times' of old. No amount of power could deter their hate for each other. If the demons wanted to get of this situation Scott free, then they had to kill the divine race themselves.

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