Chapter 68: New Home II

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[Ice covered Port Town]

Currently inside the townhall, Asagi then continued her talk towards David regarding the situation of the port town. After all no matter how you look at it, the port town itself is beyond salvation and the only thing that they could do in this situation in order to save its residence from their imminent destruction is by forcefully relocating them into their new home.

With this in mind, Asagi then turned to look towards her archangel before pondering on the words that she was gonna say and deliberately spoke them out towards David.

"After seeing the state of the town from above, i can really tell that it wont be long till this town and its remaining residents would cease to exist... I can even guess that maybe by tonight this town would disappear altogether"

"What?!?1" reacted by David

"Just like i said... by tonight this town will be destroyed and if ever this town did survive for the night, it will eventually crumble the very next day... There is no future in this town" said Asagi

Hearing her words, David's emotions were conflicted for a moment as he shivered on his place, before giving out his responses towards Asagi's words.

"How can that be?... No! I knew that someday this would happen... But i didn't expect it to be this sooner"


"No we might survive, but we would need your help... better yet your army's help" sadi by David

"Our help?"

"Yes! I already saw the potential of your army, all i can say is that your army is truly powerful... even Michael and Sandalphon are strong... maybe if your army help us, we could survive for maybe a month or two, better yet maybe we could save the town by exterminating the source of this demonic wave right?" asked David

At that question, Asagi honestly replied.

"So your expecting us to stay?"

"Maybe... I don't know... the town could hire you"

"And how would you repay us? based on the situation of the town, this place has barely anything useful"

"... I'll think of a way..."

"... I really appreciate your thought, but we cant do it... better yet we cant stay here for long"

At Asagi's answer, David then tensed up for a bit as he really didn't expect to be rejected like this. No! better yet he did expect it, but for some reason he felt that he might be able to come into consensus with the winged people if he really asked for it.

He may not be that close towards Michael and Sandalphon, but after seeing how they literally protected the town, his hope of saving the town itself flare up once more. Truth be told for David the town itself was the last thing he have left in life. During the wave of demonic beast, he had literally lost many things throughout the process.

He lost his parents, his siblings, his friends, his acquaintances, his fiancée, and his life, All he have left was this town where he grew up. Deep in his heart he couldn't afford to lose his home, the town itself harbors a lot of his memories in life both sad and good times.

When he witness just how miraculous the power of the town's visitors, he couldn't help but have hope of saving the town. As long as the source of the demonic beast is destroyed, the town itself would survive.

However aside from those particular reason why he hope for the town's survival, his actual intentions was to preserve the town until the people that had gone missing throughout the disaster may have a home to come back to. Among those who he hope to return was his fiancée. even thought his mind says that his fiancée is dead, he couldn't help but have lingering doubt within his heart. 

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