Chapter 47: Prophecy x Treaty

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[Kingdom of Avalon]

Upon hearing such a question coming from Emperor Amos, Asagi then suddenly thought of the possibility that the emperor himself had somehow was able to take a peek into the secrets of the system that even she wasn't knowledgeable and powerful enough for her to learn

Throughout the days and months she had done just to investigate the reason why she had arrived in this world and her purpose of overtaking the body of her game avatar in a certain game back on earth, in the end all she could ever learn was that she herself was one of the chosen few people that were chosen either by the system or the gods to prepare for something that is coming in the near future

In fact she was even able to specify the number of the chosen people to about 10 person, meaning there are 10 destined people chosen either by the system or gods alike or maybe even by fate

Nevertheless such elaborate number of people having their fate intertwined to each other was all she could learn throughout her whole research through the use of own source materials and if she ever wanted to know more regarding the system itself and the purpose why she was brought into this world, she would have no choice but to reach the city of Avalon at the very north of the world, thus the reason for the current flying course of her kingdom

Because of such reason she experienced Throughout her sole research, the words of Emperor Amos himself was like a breakthrough to her, especially to the meaning of her very own existence

Just like what she learned, there are indeed 10 people that have intertwined fate with each other just like what the emperor had dictated and surprisingly she is one of them, but for the part about her whole kingdom was completely destroyed and her own angels getting killed by the tide of an unknown force predict that she would have a bad end at the end of her journey

Upon thinking up to that point, she instantly remembered the connections that she had made in this world, the allied kingdom, people, children, and recent acquaintance that she had met will all be swept up by the tide of chaos at the end of her journey, in other words they would all die in the end

If such was her fate which is predicted by the Emperor of Amid Empire himself, Asagi was then suddenly troubled on how she would be able to protect the people that is dear to her in this world, in that very moment a type of a sudden heavy burden was then suddenly placed on Asagi's shoulder upon having the premonition of her own destruction

It was as if she was carrying the burden of the whole world itself, such a pressure was too much for her and yet she couldn't do anything at all but endure it, and if such terrible premonition was her future, then she had would have no choice but to do everything on her power to change the very future itself

With a new profound determination and reason why she should survive this current ordeal no matter what, she then faced Emperor Amos with a dignified atmosphere with an intention to change her grim future, after all if such a grim prediction to her future was enough to deter her determination to find the truth to her existence, then maybe she should have died from the very start of her journey and spare herself of all this trouble

"Im sorry to say but I'm currently figuring out just what I am, in fact I'm still in the middle of my journey to figure my purpose in this world... thus I can't really answer you right now with a confident answer"

"So your confused of your own existence?" Asks Emperor Amos with a tinge of interest towards her

"Pretty much, that why I'm on a journey" replied Asagi

"I see... if that is such a case, then I couldn't do anything to pressure you even further for answers myself" said Emperor Amos with a disappointed tone

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