Chapter 7 : Turning Five. Cool.

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Kakashi let out a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his silver gravity-defying hair.

"You're wasting my time."

How could he say that to her?

Kushina and Minato had already warned him about it. Hell, even Yūsha almost killed him twice because of that.

Besides, he felt very guilty. She had everything he bought her paid back with that money, even more, actually.

He closed his eye, and took a deep breath. Then he knocked the door.

No answer.

He knocked again, saying "Karasu, it's me, Kakashi."

"Why do you even care about me?" A grunt was heard from inside. Not a kind of annoyed or angry grunt, actually it sounds desperate.

"May I come in? Please, Ara?" Kakashi begged. If she stayed like this, he might get killed thrice. By Kushina, Minato, and of course, Yūsha.

"Fine." She muttered. He can hear the girl unlocked the door, and slammed it open.

He cringed. Her hair is messy, her eyes were red and puffy, with some dried tears on her cheeks. Her body is shaking. Yūsha is standing behind her, as an adult tiger, watching Kakashi threateningly with his menacing yellow eyes.

Instinctively, Kakashi pulled her into a tight hug. She let out a small gasp, before giving in, and let him rub her back in a calming manner, trying to soothe her down.

"I care because... I just do." Kakashi said, stroking her soft, white hair. "You're not a burden, Ara. You're far from it. I'm sorry that I said all those things, I didn't mean to. It just come out from my mouth all of a sudden."

Karasu began to cry silently. She kept sobbing in Kakashi's hug, letting all her emotions out.

"But he hates me! My own father hates me! Otou-sama told me to get out of his sight! What's my fault?! What did I do wrong? Why...?" She asked, her voice decreased from a yell into a whisper.

"Shh...." He hushed, "You did nothing wrong, Ara. He just doesn't realize how amazing you are. Okay?"

She solemnly nodded. He smiled softly and tucked her onto bed. She fell asleep almost immediately, with a smile on her face.

-Thank you.- Kakashi heard someone said. He turned, to see no one but the tiger and himself in the room.

"Is that you?!" He asked immediately, pointing at Yūsha. The tiger nodded.

-I can talk through telepathy, to her and a few other special people. She respect you, so I can talk to you.-

'...Wow. Cool, I guess.' Kakashi said nervously.

-You're still 13, and you can take a good care of her like that. Impressive.-

'Um... Thanks for the compliment?'

The tiger chuckled. -Don't be afraid. I won't do you any harm, as long as you keep her away from danger.-

'But your look is intimidating enough.'

Yūsha let out another chuckle.

-Yes, yes, indeed. But she's not afraid of me. Not at all.-

'You are her guardian. Why should she be scared, anyway?'

-True. But there's 2 people that she's scared of.-


-Her father, and herself.-


It has been a few weeks since the incident. Karasu never talk about it, she really had forgive Kakashi. And he's glad of that. Kushina and Minato know nothing about it, while the Hatake and Karasu agreed to keep it in secrecy.

A knock was heard. Kushina walked towards the front door, and opened it, revealing Kakashi.

"Good morning, Kushina-san."

"Ah, hello, Kakashi! You're early, dattebane." Kushina noted.

"I know. I want to treat Ara dangos. May I?"

"Of course! Just come in; Karasu's in her room."

Kakashi smiled, and entered the house. He knocked on the girl's door, receiving a faint "Enter."

"Yo." She greeted solemnly, "They don't remember." she said.

He frowned. "But at least I do." Receiving no response, he decided to try to cheer her up. "Okay, let's go!" He exclaimed.

Then Kushina entered the room.

"Kakashi? Can you do me a favor?" The Uzumaki asked.

"What is it?"

"Well, I'm having a girl's night out with Mikoto, and I'm staying at her place tonight. Minato's gonna be home late today, so, can Karasu stayed at your place tonight? It's fine with you, right, Ara?"

Karasu nodded.

"Alright." Kakashi said. "Go pack now, Ara, I'll be waiting at the front door."

With that, Kakashi left the room, followed by Kushina.

Karasu sighed loudly. Ironic. Well, let's just get this over with.


"Kashi? You live alone here?" Ara asked, as they stopped in front of a house.

"Yeah. Now let's get in." He replied, opening the door and entered the building. It was a plain house. No decorations at all, it was very simple.

"Aren't you lonely here?"

"Well, sometimes, but it doesn't matter. Now, let's prepare your room."

They both started cleaning the guest room. Actually, it's Kakashi who did most of the work. Because all she did is sitting on Kakashi's back while he was crouching. She keep playing with his hair, ignoring his protests, to the point that he finally give in.

"Alright, Ara. It's all done." Kakashi said at last, standing up. Luckily, Karasu is currently jumping on the bed.

"Yay! Thanks Kashi!"

"Yeah, whatever. Just hurry up and unpack. After that, get dressed and go downstairs."

"Alright..." She muttered, and Kakashi walked out.


Karasu grinned as she trotted down the stairs. Wearing a plain short white dress, she twirled her white hair again and again.

"Took you long enough." Kakashi noted, as he saw the girl entered the kitchen.

"So? Kashi, a girl needs lots of time just to get dressed, remember that."

"Are you even a girl...?" Kakashi muttered, not realizing that the girl had climbed up the table. He received a hit on the head.

"What was that for?!"

"I know you can only see with one eye, Mr. Pirate. But isn't my dress clear enough to prove that I'm obviously a girl?"

"Geez, fine. Still, no need to hurt me, Ara."

"Sorry. I won't do it again, Kashi."

He ruffled her hair and sighed. "Don't apologize, birthday girl." He commented, taking a short glance at the calendar. 9 April.

Karasu scoffed. "Don't call me that." She grunted as she sat down.

"But you-..." The sound of the doorbell cut him off. Kakashi stood up, and walked towards the door, leaving Ara alone.

Not long after that, he came back. With Shisui and Itachi behind him. Shisui is holding a big box, while staring at Karasu tauntingly.

"Hi Shisui, 'Tachi." She greeted.

"Stop frowning, Ara-chan." Shisui said as he put the box on the table. "I got Auntie Mikoto to made this." He told her.

"More like you sneaked into her kitchen and made it there with her tools and ingredients without her permission." Itachi added, causing Shisui to slap the back of his head.

"Can't you just go on with my story?!"

"You shouldn't lie to a 5 years old kid."

"You're still 4, Itachi." Shisui stated.

"That burns." Ara whispered to Kakashi, causing him to chuckle.

"Okay, Uchihas, enough of your argument. Can't we start now?" Kakashi asked.

"Fine. Open the box, Ara."

Karasu smiled and opened the box, with Yūsha sitting on her head, watching.

It was a cake. A small cake with light purple and white frosting, making a "Happy B'day Ara" at the top. There's also 5 candles on it.

"Cool!" She exclaimed.

Itachi did some handsigns, and blow the candles, to lit them up in fire.

"Hey! It's my birthday! You weren't supposed to blow the candles!"

"If I-..."

"But thank you for lit them up for me." She cut off his protest, causing him to sigh.

"Make a wish, Ara-chan!"

Karasu closed her eyes. 'I hope Otou-sama will love me one day.' She told herself.

-So gloomy.- Yūsha commented.

'As if I care.'

Ara took a deep breath, and blew the candles.


"Open mine first!" Shisui exclaimed, handing her a present.

Karasu giggled, and decided to do as what she was told to. She opened the box, and let out a gasp. It was a thick novel wrapped in plastic.

"A novel? Seriously?" Kakashi asked.

Shisui scoffed. "I have a feeling she's gonna like it. Problem, Hatake?"

"I love it! Thanks, Shisui-kun!" Karasu stated, hugging the older Uchiha, who smirked in triumph at Kakashi.

"Now 'Tachi's!" She said cheerfully, as she took another box from Itachi's hands.

When she opened the box, her eyes widened in excitement. It was a set of kunais, shurikens, paper bombs, senbons, and some other weapons.

"This. Is. AWESOME!" Karasu practically screamed.

"She's just 5, Itachi! You can't give her weapons!" Kakashi scolded him as soon as he saw the contents. Itachi raised an eyebrow.

"She already has a giant axe. Why can't I give this?"

"Point taken." Shisui added, grinning. Kakashi growled and put his hands up in defeat.

"You Uchihas are too smart for your own good." the Hatake muttered.

"I agreed, Kashi!"

Kakashi turned at Karasu with an 'are-you-dumb' look. "You are much smarter than them, Ara."

She stuck her tongue out at him. "You haven't give yours, Kashi."

"Alright. Here you go, Princess." he said tauntingly, as he put a plain brown box on the table.

"Plain, just like you. Typical." Karasu muttered, before she stood on her chair to reach the box. When she opened the box, hew jaws fell agape. She bit her lip, before finally letting out a squeal.

"Thank you so much! They're so cute, Kashi!" she exclaimed as she pulled out 2 little puppies from the box. The 2 Uchiha's eyes widen.

"They're ninkens, ninja dogs. They will be my summonings, but for now, I think you would like to be the one who take care of them. You can name them, too."

"Okay! This one will be Bull," she said, pointing at the dark-brown one, "And this is Guruko!" she finished, pointing at the light-brown one.

"But however, because they will be mine one day, I have another gift for you." Kakashi said. "Close your eyes, Ara."

Karasu nodded, closing her eyes tight, holding her breath.

She heard some gasps and Shisui's voice muttering "God damn..."


At last, done! It's longer than the previous chapters.....
However, such a cliffhanger I gave you....
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See you later! ;)  

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