Chapter 38 : Targeted By Them. Such Betrayal...

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 Amegakure was far from their prediction. Kakashi's, Yūgao's, and Bee's, to be precise. They thought Amegakure was a beautiful place with a little calming rain pouring over it. Considering how Ara insisted on stopping by the village.


Amegakure, in fact, was a gloomy, dark, cold place. With towers all around them, and heavy rains from above, it gives a rather unpleasant impression on their mind.

Kakashi and Yūgao felt so homesick. The cold, the lack of sunlight, it was so contrast with Konoha's warmth and friendly atmosphere.

Especially when Ara told them to hide their chakra. To stay silent and hidden. It was just so strange.

Bee was used to rains. But he's not used to the depressed aura around him. It's just getting to his nerves.

It shocked Kakashi that Ara was born in a village like this. A place filled with sadness and grief.

"Wait here." The girl suddenly said, pushing the 3 of them into a small dango shop.

"Oi, Ara! What are you doing?"

"Just do as I say!" She exclaimed, causing Kakashi to sigh and put a reassuring hand on Bee's shoulder. The jinchūriki scoffed and sat down, letting his question left unanswered.


As soon as Ara entered the dark alley, a shadow rose from the ground.

"What the hell are you doing here?! Use some logic, Ara!" The figure hissed in anger.

Ara whined. "What's wrong, Zetsu-senpai?! I just miss all of you!"

The male hit her head. "You idiot! You can die!"


"Listen. You are the Kyūbi's jinchūriki, right?"

Ara slowly nodded.

"You do know Leader-sama's goal, don't you? He knows, Ara. He knows. And if he finds out you are here..."

"He will kill me." Ara finished, her eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

"Exactly. I doubt he will let you out of the hook. Especially with the fact that you brought some friends with you. You know how much he want this world peace."

"Do I really have to leave?" Ara asked back, holding back her tears.

Zetsu turned away, letting out a sigh. "Yes. The others wouldn't want you to die, either. And I think it's better if you keep that Bijū."

Ara looked down. She had just arrived at her old home, to be told that she will be killed. She hates it. What a harsh reality.

"Do you remember that abandoned tower you used to play at with me?"

Ara nodded.

"Go, bring your friends there. That door I forbid you not to open, now you have to go through it. It's connected to an underground tunnel, which will led you outside the village, and ended at the desert towards Suna."

Ara stayed silent. She bit her lip, before she jumped onto Zetsu, tackling him into a tight hug as she silently sobs.

Zetsu patted her back. "Heh, that's nothing. Better you hurry now, you can't hide your chakra from the rain forever. He might just sense you. Once you're in the tower, you're save." He told her. She let him go, and he gave her a grin, before he sunk back to the ground.


Kakashi almost dropped his book when Ara rushed back into the shop.

Her hood was down, and she was sweating. Her eye showed an emotion Kakashi couldn't decipher, like a mixture of shock, panic, and sadness.

"Hurry! Follow me!" She whispered, causing Yūgao to narrow her eyes.


"Hide your weapons, took off your headband, mask your chakra, and follow me. We're leaving."

"But we had just arrived!" Bee exaimed, causing Ara to glare at him.

"Just do as I say!" She commanded, before she pulled up her hood, and quickly walked out of the building.

"No thank you. I want to eat my food here. I already paid." Yūgao calmly stated, as she continued eating.

Kakashi immediately stood up and put his headband in his weapon pouch, with Bee following his action. He then turned at Yūgao.

"Listen. She already saved my life times and times. If I were you, I will trust her." He snapped, before he walked out.

Yūgao scoffed, before she finally left the shop.


Kakashi narrowed his eyes. Ara wouldn't just waste the chance of meeting her family. But now she's hurrying to left the village.

He didn't ask. The questions could wait.

Ara was acting strange. She would occasionally glanced around, as if someone was watching them.

Then her eyes slightly widened. Kakashi almost let out a gasp when he saw what her gaze was locked on.

It was a tall, cloaked figure standing across the streets, hidden in the shadows. He had his head in the middle of something that looks like a venus-flytrap.

Surprisingly, Ara gave the figure a military-like salute, giving him a firm nod. Her eyes showed determination, like the glint in the eyes of a shinobi who was sent to a war, or a suicide mission. A pained expression, with obedience and trust.

The figure nodded in reply, before he sank back to the ground. Literally.

"Who's that, Ara?" Kakashi decided to ask.

"Kuro and Shiro-senpai." She shortly replied, receiving odd glances from the others.

"Like, 2 persons?"

She nodded. "You won't understand. I was raised, and grew up with freaks. Kind monsters."

"And, he's your... senpai?"

"He was my sensei. But that word make him felt old. So I called him senpai." She explained, as she turned at the three. She gave them a sad smile.

"I'm sorry that I bring you into this problem, guys. I don't know that there's someone who wants to kill me here."

Before any of them can reply, she already turned her back on them, and fastened her pace.

Kakashi sighed heavily, putting his hands in his pockets. He can say nothing on that. She actually doesn't need to apologize, but Yūgao deserves an apology.

Kami, why is the two females seemed to hate each other? That makes everything harder.


"We're here." Ara suddenly announced. The others stopped walking, and looked up, finding the water puddles on the ground not interesting anymore.

Ara was standing in front of a tall tower. Some part of it was rusty, and the top was already broken.

Ara pulled out a key from her weapon pouch, and unlocked the door. Then she turned back to the street.

"Kami, how I'll miss this." She muttered, before she ran and stood in the middle of the street, pulling down her hood and looked up, as she let the rain drenched herself in water.

Not long after, she returned, with a happy smile on her face.

"This where I used to play hide and seek with Shiro-senpai. Kuro-senpai also trained me in chakra detecting here. Follow me closely, be careful. This place is like a maze inside."

When the three nodded in confirmation, Ara pushed the door open, and walked in.

It was very dark. There's no light, before Ara lit up all the torches with Kami-knows-what. The sounds of their footsteps echoed, causing them to shiver in fear.

"This whole place are made of metal. It is one of the oldest tower here. I'm going to gather some extra supplies. Would you like to come?"


"We're going to cross a desert, remember?" Kakashi reminded, causing the others to agree to follow Ara.

She led them to the upper side of the tower. As Ara gathered some poisons and notes up there, Yūgao took the kunais, shurikens, paperbombs, plus some bandages and medicines. Bee watched the rain from the large hole on the wall. It was calming. The tower didn't have much dark aura, in fact it somehow felt friendly.

Kakashi, on the other hand, decided to explore the place. He trusts Yūgao's judgement with the supplies. Besides, he's too lazy for that.

When he reached the top, he was stunned. It was a small room, with a bed and a small desk on it. On the desk, there's one large photo album.

"Don't." A voice said as Kakashi was about to open it. Kakashi abruptly turned, to find Ara standing in the doorway.

"Please. You shouldn't." She said, as she walked towards him, and took the album, sealing it into a scroll. "It's private."

Kakashi sighed, smiling slightly, and nodded.

"Alright. Hey, are you done yet?"

"Yup. Let's go."

All of them walked down, through many dark halls and corridors, and stopped in front of a single wooden door, which has many scratches on it, and a few blood stains.

Ara took a deep breath.

"And when I finally had the chance to open this door, it was for escaping from this village. Funny. Well, here goes nothing." Ara said sarcastically, before she pushed the door open.


Sorry for the really late update! It has been 3, almost 4 weeks, right? I'm so so sorry!

Now keep reading. Chapter 39 is waiting!

(*I edited a large part of the story, it's from the beginning to chapter 5. Re-read them if you want to.)   

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