Chapter 44 : Team

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LOOK AT THAT FANART! ARA AND YUSHA ARE JUST SO CUTE THERE!!! >.< Thank you so much AnotherWorldOfLife for giving me that pic! I really really like it!! ^-^


At noon, Ara arrived at the Academy. Minato's order still rang in her ears.

"The lunch break overs at noon. After that, everyone will be waiting for their sensei in the class. That's when you are allowed to come there."

She let out an audible sigh, and teleported inside the room. Still staying invisible, she made her way towards Hana, and sat beside the Inuzuka, who was sulking at the corner, playing with her pencil.

"Hana." She called, revealing herself silently.

"Eh?! A-... Mmph!!"

Ara glared harder, slowly removing her hand from her best friend's mouth.

"Why did you do that?!" The brunette hissed, glaring back. Ara sighed, taking one of the pencils and looked up, before she started trying to balance it at the tip of her nose.

"Well, what do you think will happen if you really yell out my name?" She asked, smirking slightly.

Hana slammed her head on the table. "Damn you." She muttered, before she turned abruptly at the Anbu. "But hey, I'm finally a genin!"

"Good for you."

"Crow..." She trailed off, annoyed but at the same time curious, "Why couldn't I find you in your house last night? I wanted to show this to you!"

"I was... Uh..."

Hana stared at the Hatake expectantly, waiting for answer.

"Well... I think I forgot what did I do yesterday..."

Her eyes twitched. "Are you kidding me?!" She exclaimed a bit too loudly.

"OI, DOG-BREATH, SHUT THE HELL UP!" A boy yelled at her, causing her to get even madder.


"Hana! Stop already! You're making a fuss!" Ara snapped, pulling the Inuzuka back into her seat.

She soon realized her mistake, when a girl suddenly screeched out, "Eh?! Who are you?!"

"Woah, she's even a worse freak than the dog-breath..."

"I remember her! She once tried to kidnap Itachi-kun!"

"Oh, that monster! Now I remember! She's creepy! My mother said she's a demon!"


"Yeah, she killed lots of people, too!"

"At this rate, I'm ready to slit their throats." Hana muttered, turning at Ara, to found the Anbu leaning her head on the table, closing her eyes while covering her ears.

Hana lightly patted Ara's back. "Hey, Crow, don't listen to them. They're stupid and unfortunately they don't know that. You'll be okay, trust me."

"... What about my teammates later?" Ara whimpered, opening her eyes slightly and biting her lip.

'Kami, now I see why Itachi likes her. She could be so cute sometimes,' Hana mused to herself, "I guess you'll be fine. Your teammates are weird, too. One of them is a hyperactive human and the other knows nothing about being nice. By the way, you are on team 4."

"I still doubt this..."

"Stop worrying, Ara. You will-..." She was cut off when suddenly the classroom door was slammed open, to reveal a brown-haired woman in a jōnin vest, her headband tied around her neck.

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