Chapter 26 : The Deal of The Fox And The Crow

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Ara buried her face onto her pillow, recalling what Kushina and Jiraiya said.

Being a kunoichi... That actually sounds interesting...

The girl decided to discuss this with her furry companion. Closing her eyes, in an instant she was standing in front of the large cage.

'Kusama!!' She cheered, and ran towards the fox, hugging his muzzle immediately.

-Oh, it's you again, Kasu.-

Ara grinned, as she climbed onto his head, and starts petting his ears.

-Why are you being a mute?- The Kyūbi asked, -It's so unlike you.-

'I don't know... I'm scared' Ara muttered, 'I mean, can I really trust them? I know I can trust Aniki, Yūsha, and Sukoshi... But I'm not sure about the others...'

The Kyūbi sighed. Even he sometimes forgot that this girl is not even 6 years old.

-Do you trust me?- he asked.

Ara nodded, 'I know you are an evil fox, but evilness is made. So it's not entirely your fault.'

-I don't even know whether that's an insult or a compliment.-

Ara giggled.

-Well, if you trust me, then I will help you.-

Ara didn't answer. She hugged Kurama's large neck, before mumbling a 'thank you'.

-I think you should just start your ninja training. It's a good idea to be a kunoichi.-

Ara sighed. 'But I don't have anyone who can train me.'

-Your Aniki?-

'Somehow, I doubt it.'

Kurama laughed, -Well, don't tell me to be your mentor.-

Receiving no reply from his host, realization hit the giant fox. -You... You want me to train you?!-

Ara nodded. 'I mean, you are the great nine tailed fox. You are the best teacher I can ever find. Why not?'

-I feel flattered, brat, but I don't want to do that. I prefer to sleep in this place, or watching your life going on to amuse myself.-

Karasu, surprisingly, poked the fox's nose, and jumped off, landing softly in front of him.

'Kusama, you are such a grumpy, egoistic, lazy old fox.' she stated, as she sat, leaning on the metal bars, 'If you train me, I'll pay you.'

Kurama scoffed. -I don't need money. And you, Kasu, are such a stubborn, imbecile, ungrateful little girl.-

'Glad to know you understand me' Ara replied with a smug smile, 'I'm not talking about money, stupid.'

Kurama's eyes twitched. He sighed, -Then what can you give me?-

'Some freedom.'

-Really?- Kurama asked with a snort, -I know you can't, and you won't, release me.-

'Well, I have this idea,' Ara said, as she shifted into a more comfortable position, 'I will make a puppet. A fox, with the original size. I will give it some fangs and claws from metal, and then I will transfer some of your chakra into the puppet, so it can be like your body while you're training me. I will let you do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone. And you can freely control this wooden body from the inside. What do you think?'

Kurama stays silent, before finally letting out a chuckle. -You know, that's actually not a bad idea.-

Ara tilted her head. 'So, you accept?'

Kurama nodded. Ara gave him a victorious grin. 'Arigatō, Kurama-sama!' she yelled, before she disappeared.

Kurama froze in his cage.

Did she just call him... Kurama-sama?


Kakashi stood in front of the room. He sighed loudly, his hand raised ready to knock.

Before he can do it, however, the door was opened. Ara was standing in front of him, tilting her head, as if motioning him to enter the room.

Kakashi walked in, and sat on her bed, next to the sleeping Yūsha. "What's your plan now?"

Ara raised an eyebrow. Kakashi leaned on the wall, running his fingers through his silver hair. "With that face, Ara, I know you're planning something." he stated.

Ara sighed. Busted. She took her notebook, and wrote, 'I want to be a kunoichi.'

This time, Kakashi chuckled, and ruffled her hair. "About time you said that."

'Wait. You're not... mad?'

"Why should I? I mean, it's your decision. If that's what you want, then do it. I won't force you to do anything you don't like, either."

Ara smiled. 'Thanks' she mouthed.

"No problem. By the way, when do you want to enter the academy?"

Ara's eyes widened. She shook her head frantically, writing 'I wanna skip Academy!'


Ara looked down. 'You know how the villagers treat me, right? How will they react if I enter the Academy?'

Kakashi looked at her eyes, trying to find any sign of doubt. There's none.

"You sure?" He asked.

Ara nodded, 'Hana and Itachi will enter this year. And I'll just train on my own. Rivers divides but eventually meet in the sea. I want to know how far our difference will be.'

Kakashi let out a soft laugh. "Weird reason. But it's okay. However, I'm sure you have to take some tests."

The girl nodded, smiling, as if saying, 'Go on. Try me. I'm ready as ever!'

"So, when do you want to start your training?" The older Hatake asked.

Ara grinned, and stood up.

"Wait. You want to start now?" Kakashi asked in disbelief, and amusement.

The girl nodded.

"Then maybe we have to make a list on some jutsu you already, and will learn. Let's start with the simple ones." Kakashi said, as he grabbed a pen and a paper.

"Write down the jutsus you already know."

Ara sighed, and wrote 'Clone, Shadow Clone, Transformation, Substitution, Transportation. I can walk on trees and water, and I know some simple healing jutsus'

Kakashi groaned. "That's all the basics!"

Ara smirked.

Kakshi rolled his eyes. "Well, let's just find out your chakra nature." he said, pulling out some chakra papers, "I'm sure you know what to do."

She nodded, and grabbed one of the papers, running her chakra through it.

Nothing happens. They waited and waited, but nothing happens.

Ara's eyes slowly widened in fear, shock, and disbelief. "N-No..." she muttered, her voice began to crack.

"Ara... you..." Kakashi couldn't finish his sentence. He was too shocked.

".... No... Tou-sama has all the elements..." Ara mumbled, as tears began to welled up in her eyes.

Kakashi stayed silent, watching the girl's reaction. He doesn't know what to do. The information is just so unbelievable for him.

"Why don't I have any?" She whispered, as she dropped the paper.

Kakashi did the first thing that crossed his mind. He pulled her into a tight hug, as he rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. Yūsha soon joined in, snuggling his muzzle to the girl's fragile body.

"I... It's just..." She trailed off, at loss of words.

"Ara, it's alright. Everything will be alright, I knew it." Kakashi whispered.

Ara didn't reply.

"You don't have to have many chakra natures to be a great shinobi, you know? I mean, you have the Kyūbi's chakra, and you are also the last of your clan. I'm sure you can figure something out."

Ara slowly nodded.

Kakashi sighed, as he let her go, and stood up. "Get some sleep, Ara. We'll continue this tomorrow."

After Kakashi left the room, Ara stayed on her bed, hugging Yūsha tightly, still not believing the news.

She has no chakra natures.


Well that's-
That hurts. Pretty much. Tell me what do you think.

My laptop won't cooperate, I have no internet on my phone, and there's no Wi-Fi. I. AM. DYING.

Too many ideas, too tired fingers, too little time, too slow computer, too amazing comments to ignore, too loyal readers to disappoint, too excited to stop writing. I'm driving myself insane.

Being the only Otaku in my family and in my class, the thought of shirtless Kakashi is the only thing that keep me survive. I'm a fangirl, and I'm proud of that.

Society hates anime, I love anime, and society hates me. Cool, bro, cool. Note the sarcasm.

Okay, my rants one here XD

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