Chapter 25 : The Red Angel, The White Pervert, and The Evil Blind Yellow Monster

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When Minato entered the room, Ara's eyes widened in fear. She abruptly stood up from her seat, and ran to her room, slamming the door shut.

Kakashi glared at his sensei, as he pointed at the couch, before he approached Ara's room, and knocked the door.

He talked to Ara for a moment, before the door creaked open and Kakashi sneaked in.

For a while everyone stayed silent. Minato moved his gaze to Jiraiya, who was playing with a small toad keychain in his hands. Kushina was sitting comfortably on the couch, Naruto on her lap.

"Ara doesn't want to come out." Kakashi said, as he walked towards Minato. Everyone tensed.

Kakashi punched Minato.

"I thanked you, for bringing her to Konoha. But I hate you. I hate you for letting Danzo took her away. Be lucky that I still hate someone else more."

Before anyone can ask, Kakashi clenched his fist, and continued, "You know how hard this is for me?! I hate myself, for the fact that I always failed in protecting everyone! Even my sister... She almost died!"

Kushina sighed. She glared at Minato and Jiraiya, with a look that said 'I need to do something important. Now get out of this room before I make you.'

The men shivered and walked out of the room immediately.

"Kakashi," Kushina called the teen. The Hatake turned his head. "Yes, Kushina-san?"

Kakashi never have any mother. Maybe that's why he has a soft spot for Kushina. And he never have any siblings before. Thus, he became so protective over Ara. He also can tolerate Itachi and Hana.

"It's not your fault, dattebane. All these things, we should just blame it on Danzo. Don't hate yourself. Yeah, what Minato did was wrong, but he tried his best. And you were on mission at that time."

"But you don't get it, Kushina-san! If only I-" Kakashi stopped when he felt Kushina's finger on his lips.

"Shh. Stop talking, dattebane. What I say is true, and it's final."

Kakashi nodded. He sighed, and slammed his body onto the couch.
"How's Ara now?" Kushina asked softly.

"She's fine. She has nightmares, but it's not that bad. It's just...." He trailed off.

Kushina raised an eyebrow.

"... She's mute."

Kushina sighed sadly. "Well, that's understandable. I mean, she was locked up for almost 2 months, separated from you, dattebane. I'll talk to her now."

With that, the woman gave Kakashi one last smile, before she walked towards Ara's room.


Kushina knocked on the door. "Ara? May I come in, dattebane?"

No answer.

The Uzumaki suddenly realize something. If she's mute, she won't answer her question.

Kushina decided to push the door open, and quietly entered the room.
She frowned at the sight. Ara was wearing a grey hoodie, black pants, and white socks. Her hair is tied in a pair of low messy ponytail. She had her eye patch on, and her hood is pulled up. Her hands were wrapped in bandages. She had dried tears on her cheeks, and she was hugging a large blue shark plushie.

"Hey, Ara." Kushina greeted softly. The little girl nodded, signaling her acknowledgement on Kushina's existence in the room.

"How are you?"

Ara gave a small sigh, as she shook her head.

Kushina poked Ara's shoulder, as she sat next to her.

Ara turned. Her eyes immediately lit up in excitement, looking at the bundle in Kushina's arms. The woman smiled.

"His name is Naruto. He's my son, dattebane. He's just a few months old. You meet him on the night when he was born, remember?"

Ara nodded, as she poked Naruto's cheek lightly.

"I want you to protect him."

Ara's eyes widened in shock.

"I just want to tell you something, Ara. You...." Kushina trailed off, letting out a heavy sigh.

"You're stronger than this, Ara. I know that. And I want the old you. That's all, dattebane."

Then Kushina left.


Ara hold her breath. Kushina's words keep running in her mind.

'You're stronger than this.'

Ara doesn't believe that. For her, it's impossible. But deep inside, she wants that.

Ara locked her gaze on the door in front of her. The door was once again opened.

This time, a white-haired man entered the room.

Ara recognized him immediately. She wrote his name on her notebook.


Jiraiya sighed in frustration. "Whatever, you little brat. Now I believe it. Kakashi's right. You're a mute." Jiraiya casually said.

He approached Ara, and kneeled in front of her, "I know you're scared, and it's fine. It's normal. I just think that you should try to fight your fear. You might want to be a kunoichi? I think it's better if you go do something instead of crying here. Go training. Maybe you can run around the village." He said, as he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Ara didn't react.

"I believe in you, gaki. In a few days, I will leave Konoha. On my next visit, I want to see you as an Academy student."

Jiraiya patted her head, as he dropped a small toad keychain onto her hand, and exited the room.


Ara smiled. That old man is really nice... She thought.

Then she realized something. If all the guests are going to enter her room, then now the one who will visit her is...

That blonde haired man. Minato.

Flashbacks began to ran wildly in her mind. How she was first chained in an office, how the bandaged man wants to lock her up, how this blonde man didn't stop the masked men from dragging her away.

This blonde man... He's a foe.

After weeks without being in contact with any human, and just talking to Kyūbi, that pretty much changed her way of thinking. However, she still recognized everyone.

I hope he doesn't see me... Ara thought, hugging her shark plushie tighter.

And the door creaked open. Minato peeked inside, to see the room empty.

"Ara? Where are you?" Minato asked softly.

Ara stayed silent. Wait. He... He really can't see me? Or is he just pretending?

Minato sighed. He sat on the bed, and said, "I just want to say sorry, Ara. I should have been able to stop them. I should have realized how those villagers treated you. What kind of Hokage am I?!" He growled, more to himself.

He took a deep breath. "I don't know, whether you're here or not. But if you can hear me, I want to tell you that you don't have to forgive me. I don't think I deserve it. I just want you to give me a second chance. Okay?"

After that, Minato walked out.


When Kakashi saw Minato walking out of Ara's room, he growled. He approached the Yondaime. "Do I ever allow you to enter her room?" He demanded.

Minato sighed, "No, but-"

"Then why did you do it?!" Kakashi yelled, as he pinned his sensei onto the wall, "I'm tired of this! You let Danzo took her away.... You know what happened?"

"She almost die out of hunger, dehydration, chakra depletion, and blood loss! And I only found one medic nin who is willing to heal her!" Kakashi roared.

Kushina stepped between them. "Alright. Enough, both of you. Come on, you Namikaze. Let's go home, dattebane. Bye, Kakashi!" The Uzumaki said, and drag her husband out of the house. Jiraiya sighed, shaking his head, and followed the couple.

Kakashi locked the door, before slamming his body onto the couch.

Stress. That's all he can say about himself.


Hi again....

Okay, that's the chapter. I really like Kushina, she would be a great mother. And Minato... why can't he see Ara?!

Kakashi really has some anger issues... and he has many grudge against his sensei...

And I think that's all I can say.

Oh, I remember now! 

Congrats to Princessbunners for guessing right on Aiko's little brother! ^.^ You're the first one....

Well, ImANuko, one of your guesses is right, too... 

Oh, and for the others... I deleted their comments so you can't see the answer XD

You may choke me to death now >.<  I feel happy that I give you guys no spoilers!

See ya! Don't forget to comment, dattebayo!

*I have a new story idea~ *starts dancing around the room* I'll tell you when I publish it!

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