Chapter 16 : Hatakes

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"Hi, Tou-san!" Ara greeted as she entered the Hokage office, with Kakashi behind her. The boy is chuckling at his little sister, who is now so energetic like a baby fox. Oh, the irony.

Even though she is smiling, Minato frowned. It was faked almost perfectly. If he didn't see her eyes, he would have thought that she really is happy, while the truth is she's on the edge of major depression.

Ara soon realize that there were many other people in the office. She recognize Kushina, Fugaku and Mikoto, Tsume, and the rest are strangers.

"And... Uh... Good morning, ... important people?" She asked.

Some chuckles were heard.

"Okay, so let's get to the point." Minato said.

"Due to the fact that you're the last Kigaeru, and a jinchūriki, many people are going to try to use you. So, I think it would be better if we change your last name. And-"

"I will get officially adopted?" Ara stated.

Minato nodded. "But you may choose. Everyone here are the ones who are willing to take you as a part of their family."

"... Introduction please?" The girl asked nervously.

"Shikaku Nara."

"Inoichi Yamanaka."

"Chouza Akimichi."

"Hiashi Hyūga."

"Kizashi Haruno."

"Shibi Aburame."

The rest, who had already know her, just give her a smile, or a nod (a grin in Tsume's case).

It pained Kakashi. The image of Ara leaving his house is actually something he doesn't want to think about.

He knows that it's selfish. But he can't help it. He's already attached.

"Well? Now what do you think?"

Ara turned away, her gaze meeting Kakashi's.

"Tou-san..." She started, "you said anyone in this room, right?"

Minato nodded.

"I don't mean to disrespecting any of you," she said, as a small smile crept onto her face,

"But can I change my last name into Hatake?"

Everyone gasped.

Kakashi's eyes widen. "A-Ara..."

"I mean, all your clans are awesome, but I think Hatake suits me more. Besides, I want to officially call him Aniki!"

"... Alright... Then-"

"Yay! You hear that, Aniki? You hear that, right?!" Minato was cut off by Ara's yell, as she jumped onto Kakashi's back, almost bringing him down. Kakashi was grinning behind his mask.

Kushina squealed. "Awww!!! They're so cute, dattebane!!"

"Well, if that's all, then I'll take my leave." Shibi said, before disappeared.

"Oh, right. You're dismissed." Minato told all the clan leaders, who bowed and teleported away.

"Now, Kakashi, I think-" The Yondaime stopped when he realized that the room is empty with no one but his wife, his son, and himself.

Kushina smiled softly. "You can see them from here, dattebane." She said, her gaze locked to the window in front of her.

Minato approached her, and looked through the glass.

Ara is having a piggyback ride on Kakashi, while he was jumping and running once in a while, causing her to squeal in shock and excitement.

"S-Stop Aniki!" She shrieked, holding tightly on Kakashi, who is now running.

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