Chapter 28 : Kurama's Evil Side

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Ara entered her room with a grin. She can starts training now! She's very excited.

-You sure that I'll be your mentor? I just want to tell you, that if I become your teacher, I will be far from nice, and literally merciless. You will be strong, I guarantee that, but I'm not sure if you want to handle my training.-

'I'm sure Kusama. I don't care how cruel you are. I want you to train me, that's final.'

-Alright then. Now transfer my chakra to that puppet of yours.-

Ara smiled, as she sat in front of her desk, taking the puppet, and starts doing as what she was told. About half an hour later, the puppet has already running around the room.

"Where are we going to train, Kusama?" Ara asked.

"Follow me, Kasu." the fox replied out . His voice now full of authority, and held no kindness.

The girl nodded, and both of them sneaked out of the house.


Both of them stopped in the middle of a training ground. Ara was sitting, leaning on a tree. Her feet hurts already. Kyūbi took the farthest way to reach the place.

"Now, chase me." the Kyūbi said, before he starts running.

Ara huffed, as she put chakra under her feet, and ran after the fox. Suddenly, the fox came into a halt, causing Ara to jolted in surprise and fell to the ground.

Kurama turned at his host, and approached her, his eyes glowing red menacingly.

"I told you to chase me, and I didn't allow you to use your chakra."

"But you're so fast! I need to use chakra to keep up with you!"

"I'm the teacher, you will follow my rules. If I didn't say so, you will not use any chakra. Listen carefully, this is your first lesson from me," The Kyūbi paused, before he said,

"Never rely on chakra."

"What?! You must be kidding me!" Ara yelled, more in anger.

The fox growled. "I'm serious. You must never rely on your chakra."

"But we are shinobis! Chakra is our specialty!"

"Oh, so that's what you think, huh?! No matter how many jutsu you know, it will be useless when you have no chakra! It applies on Ninjutsu and Genjutsu! Same goes on Puppetry and Healing! No matter how great your Kenjutsu is, if you lost your sword, you will be useless! There will be times when you need your chakra for surviving only, so don't waste your chakra just to move faster!"

Ara's eyes widened in realization. She stood up, and said, "Alright. I understand. Shall we start over?"

Kurama smirked. "Catch me, brat!" he shouted, and dashed away.


"Kusama... Where... are we...?" Ara asked, still panting. Her legs are wobbly, but she managed to keep standing.

"Training Ground #66."

"Eh?.... This is a cliff, Kusama."

"Exactly." The fox replied, "The training ground is up there."

Ara's eyes twitched. "You- You mean... I have... to climb?"

He nodded.

Ara huffed, running her fingers through her hair. She turned at the Bijū. "... No chakra?"

"No chakra." the Kyūbi confirmed, "Start whenever you're ready. But we won't go home until you reach at least halfway to this cliff's top."

Ara took a deep breath, as she looked up. She couldn't see the top of the cliff. And it was already noon.

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