Chapter 48 : Mission

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"Long time no see, my cute little genins!"

Yuito sent his sensei a flat look, while Ryota pouted childishly at the greeting, crossing his arms.

"Cute? I'm a ninja, I'm not cute!"

"Aiko-sensei, you were gone for just a week. It isn't that long, I didn't even feel it," Ara commented, "So, what's the mission?"

"We have escort two of our medic nins to Sunagakure. It won't be that hard."

"Why going there?"

"To learn more from each other, and also to deliver some rare herbs for the Sunagakure hospital. They couldn't grow it themselves in their village, and every once in a while Konoha would send the best we have, including the rare ones, as a sign of our alliance," Aiko explained, earning a frown from Yuito.

"Those aren't actually the village's job, right? As Suna's personal meds supplier?"

"No, we didn't have to do it, but there's a thing called being kind, Yuito-kun," Aiko grinned, "Is there anything that troubles you?"

"If the Hokage wants to be kind, why won't he just do it himself?"

"Are you upset about leaving the village?"

"OOOHH!! Yuito's scared, well, that's surprising!" Ryota exclaimed, grinning. The blond growled, clenching his fists as he glared at the brunet.

"Unlike you, Ryota, I still have someone to worry about," he retorted, "Let's just get this over with."

Ara sent Aiko a doubtful look, but the woman only shook her head and made her way towards the gates. She waved at the two awaiting medics, a black-haired man and a blonde woman, who recognized her just as quickly.

"Aiko! So your team will be our escort?"

The brunette chuckled, "Of course, I don't trust anyone else." She turned to her students, "Introduce yourself, kids."

"My name's Ryota, and the grumpy head is Yuito."

"I'm Ara, hope we can get along."

"Yumi, and this is my co-worker Kazuo. If there's anything we can do, just say so!" The woman grinned, while her friend Kazuo only nodded his head in greeting. They talked to the guards for a little while before the group finally decided to leave.

"Alright, now off we go!" Aiko announced, as cheerful as always, as she led the genins out of the village. Behind her was Yumi, and Ryota walked right by her side, talking about his dream and asking for 'guidance'. Yuito was behind him, still grumbling under his breath. And Ara was far at the back, clearly not used to travelling in groups after 2 years of going solo.

"It has been a while, Kyūra." Kazuo had suddenly taken his place beside her, his voice hardly audible.

Ara froze at the sound of her Anbu nickname, but soon she dropped her guard and sighed. "... I thought you hate me, Kō-san."

"I did," he admitted, "I loathed you, but that was two years ago. My judgment was clouded by the death of my sister." He was still as formal as always, Ara noted, "I realized that what happened wasn't your fault. You're just the prison, a warden; not the locked-up criminal. Forgive my rude behaviour."

"Apology accepted," she kindly replied, "Nice name, by the way."

"You don't even know my last name. But thank you, anyway," he gave her a faint smile, "What am I supposed to call you now?"

"Ara is enough. And you're not a medic nin, did you quit Anbu?

"Not really. It's to keep an eye on you." Kazuo sighed, "The Kazekage asked for your assistance in taking care of the One-Tail."

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