Chapter 24 : Mute

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Kurama scoffed, more at himself. In just a few weeks, he let the wall around his heart crumbles and fell apart.

Destroyed by a little girl.

He let out a soft humorless chuckle, as he moved his gaze to one of his giant tails. Where a white haired girl was sleeping.

Not long after Kakashi came, Ara woke up. She entered the Kyūbi's cage, and decided to sleep there, using one of his tails as a pillow, while hugging another orange 'fluffy' tail.

Fluffy... Kurama nearly bite her head off when he heard that.

"Mmh... So soft..." Ara muttered in her sleep.

Kurama's eye twitched. His host really change him from a heartless demon fox into a cute chibi kitsune.

That's merely just a figure of speech. Not literally.


Beep... Beep... Beep...

Kakashi hated it. That regular, steady sound is like a horror music in his ears.

Ara hasn't woke up yet. It has been two days. Hana, Itachi, and Shisui visited once. They talked to her, ignoring the fact that she's unconscious.

"Seriously, Ara. It has been, how long? Almost two months. Two months since the last time I hear your voice." Kakashi muttered, gripping the white blanket that covered Ara's fragile body, "And now I'm talking to myself. When will you wake up? It's just driving me insane..." He growled the last part.

Suddenly, he felt someone squeezed his hand.

Kakashi's head snapped towards his little sister. And as soon as she opened her eyes, he frowned. Ara's left eye... Is a fox's eye. The Kyūbi's eye. It was red, with a black slit in the middle of it.

Ara began to cry. She curled up into a ball, hugging her knees, resting her chin on them. Her orange tail is wagging slightly, her ears are bending down, and her body is shaking.

She obviously is traumatized.

Kakashi pulled her into a hug, making a soft hushing sound, while gently rubbing her back.

"Shh... Ara... You're safe now... No one's gonna hurt you..."Kakashi said softly. Ara let out a soft whimper, as she gripped onto Kakashi's shirt.

"I promise, Ara... I will always protect you... You're my little sister, right?" He asked. She weakly nodded. Kakashi patted her head.

"Good. Now, Ara, a Hatake won't cry."

Ara smiled sadly, wiping her tears. She finally calmed herself down, and stopped crying.

"That's my Ara, my little Hatake." Kakashi muttered, chuckling. Ara giggled softly, before she hug Kakashi back.

"Arigatō." She told him, her voice barely a whisper.

"It's nothing. I should have apologized. Besides, I have someone else who helps me."

Ara pushed herself away from Kakashi. She jumped down from the bed, and ran towards the table nearby. She grabbed the clipboard there, and rummaging through the drawers, until she found a blank paper and a pen.

She clipped the paper onto the clipboard, and uncapped the pen, before writing, 'Who?'

Kakashi frowned. So Kakuzu is right. She became a mute.

"It's a secret." Kakashi said, "By the way, do you think we should stay here, or get out from this hospital now?"

'Get me out of this hell.' She wrote.

Kakashi laughed, and glanced at the clock. "Well, your doctor will be here in... Three, two.... one!"

The door burst open.

"I'm exactly on time again! Another record!"

Ara turned. Her eyes twitched at the sight.

A woman in her twenties, with short brown hair and dark brown eyes, almost black. She was wearing, surprisingly, an ordinary ninja sandals, and her white coat is folded, hanging on her shoulder.

"Oh, so you little dearie is awake?"

Ara nodded.

"Well, from the look on your face, you hate this building. Right?"

Another nod.

"Me too! Now, go! Scram, leave, dismissed, run away, whatever you call it! I'll take care of the nonexistent paperworks!"

Kakashi chuckled. "Thanks for your help, Aiko-san."

"Don't worry! Come back anytime!"

Ara sighed, and teleported Kakashi and herself to his house.

"That's rude." Kakashi commented.

'That thing is also abnormal.' Ara wrote, scowling.

"Hey, she might be weird, but she's the one who heals you."

'She said 'Come back anytime'. She told me to come back to hospital. She's insane. And she said that she's going to take care of the nonexistent paperworks. I think that means she doesn't put my name in the hospital's patients list.'

"Well, your stay there was actually rather illegal..." Kakashi muttered, "But I wonder how can you write those so fast."

A pen was thrown onto his face.


Kushina smiled, recalling Itachi's words when he excitedly ran out of the Uchiha Compound.

"Ara is back! Kakashi found her!"

"Kushina, you know that-"

"Shush, dear." Kushina told her husband, "Besides, Jiraiya-sensei is coming. All of us can visit Kakashi and Ara together! I'll bring Naruto, too, dattebane!"

Minato slammed his head onto the table.

His life's just... Well, he can't even describe it.

Unlimited paperworks, noisy annoying elders, so many bad events, an over-positive wife, plus a pervert sensei, a hateful student, and a stubborn jinchūriki daughter.

How sweet.

"Hey Minato! How are you?"

And his sensei arrived. Just to his luck.

Minato sighed. "Horrible." He muttered.

"But why? What about Naruto? What happened to him?" Jiraiya asked, as he sat in front of Minato.

The blonde sighed. "It was 10th October, when Kushina went on labor. The seal was broken, and the Kyūbi almost destroy the village. I was going to use my last chakra to summon the Death God and seal the Kyūbi with me. I almost did it."


"Ara came. She ran straight towards the raging Kyūbi." Minato paused, clenching his fists, "I don't know what to do. Kushina couldn't hold her chakra chains any longer, and I barely have any chakra left."

"You should have seen her face. It's as if someone is controlling her mind! Ara stopped right under the Kyūbi. You know what happened next?"

Jiraiya stayed silent.

"She sealed the Kyūbi inside her body!" Minato yelled in frustration, as he slammed his fist onto the table.

"W-Wha-? But Minato, she's just 5! It's just impossible!" The Toad Sage exclaimed in shock.

Minato narrowed his eyes. "Sensei, she's a Kigaeru. A talented one at that. She had mastered almost perfect chakra control, and she unlocked the second stage of her kekkei genkai when she's just 4! It's so damn possible!"

Jiraiya sighed. "Why are you so stressed about this? I mean, this is something big, yes, but from what you told me, the problem is solved."

"...You don't understand..." Minato muttered, running his fingers through his blonde hair, "The villagers thought that I was the one who stops the Kyūbi. And the Kyūbi is Ara."

Minato ignored his sensei's shocked face. "It's absurd, I know. And I didn't realize this until 2 months ago."

"2 months ago? Something important happened?"

Minato nodded. "Danzo said that Ara isn't trustworthy, and he insisted to lock Ara up away from the village. I couldn't stop him. And Kakashi was on mission at that time."

"So, Ara was taken away?"

Minato once again nodded. "Kakashi and Yūsha was pissed. They destroyed my office, and they almost kill me. In the end, I promised Kakashi that I would found her in 50 days. And I didn't. So Kakashi finished the whole thing by himself. I don't know the details, but I saw him running towards the hospital with Ara on his back."

"Again, Minato, I think the problem here is already solved."

Minato slammed his hand onto the table. "He hates me! Kakashi lost his trust in me! And today Kushina wants me to visit him!"

Jiraiya let out a soft chuckle. "So you're scared."

"No I'm not! I'm just..."

"Let's just call it nervous," Jiraiya said, smiling, "I understand. However, you can't avoid him forever. Besides, you're the Hokage. If you can't take care of an overreacting teen, how can you take care of a village?"

Minato shook his head in disagreement. "He's not an overreacting teen. He's worse. Kakashi is an overprotective brother."

Jiraiya let out another heavy sigh.


"You have some of the Hatake blood in your veins, you know?" Kakashi suddenly said.

Ara tilted her head in confusion. She raised a questioning eyebrow at her brother.

"You were losing too much blood."

Her eyes lit up in realization. She immediately wrote, 'Transfusion?'

"You really are smart." Kakashi commented, ruffling her hair. Ara smiled.

The doorbell suddenly rang. Kakashi stood up, and left to open the door.

Not long after that, Ara heard some yelling. She bit her lip, scared.

Everything fell silent.

And then Kakashi entered the room. He was scowling, but his eyes showed worry.

Behind him, is a very familiar blonde-haired man. Minato.


I don't know whether to call myself good or evil.... I already updated, and leaving you with a cliffhanger.

I will update soon. Maybe tomorrow?

And NO ONE guessed right about Aiko. Guys, she's not Kakashi's lover (I should say that before anyone guess it again). Maybe you want to guess his little brother. And the first person who guessed right will get a shoutout on this story. Like, even if I tell you who's the brother, it's rather absurd.

Why don't you take a guess? *smirk*

Vote! Comment! 

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