Chapter 19 : Actions and Reactions

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Ara's eyes fluttered open. She felt numb. Her whole body felt as if it was just thrown into the ground.

And it's true.

Slowly, Karasu sat up. She blinked, before realization hit her.

Her ankle was chained into the wall. The wall was made of rocks. There's no entrance nor exit. It was very small, only about a meter square. But the cell's height is thrice of her own height. The only light came from a small hole above her.

Ara shivered, as she looked up, staring at the only ventilation above her.

Her guts told her that no one is going to feed her.

Her body starts shaking, as she looked around frantically. She starts hyperventilating, as she leaned on the wall, eyes wide open.

She's a Kigaeru. She has some animal blood in her veins. And now, her wild instinct took over.

Her thoughts starts running, trying to keep her sanity, but at the same time losing it.

I'm caged. I'm chained. I want my freedom.

I was taken away. I was separated from my home. I want my family.

Family. Kakashi. Yūsha. Sukoshi. Kisa-kun. Saso-kun. Itachi. Shisui. Hana. Mi-

No. Minato is not a family. He didn't save me from the bad peoples.

I just want to go back home.

Home. Konoha? No, Konoha hates me. Akatsuki? No, Otou-sama hates me

I have no home.

What happened?  I..

I woke up in the office. Danzo's ANBUs dragged me away. I saw Aniki at the gates. He couldn't save me. I blacked out. I found myself here.

Yeah, that happened.


Aniki will save me. I'm his little sister. He will find me. He will take me home.

Won't he?
He cares, doesn't he?
He loves me, right?
He doesn't hate me. He loves me. He will-

-Shut up.- A voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

'Who's that?!' Ara asked in panic.

-I'm inside you, foolish mortal.-

'What do you want?'

The voice stayed silent, before saying, -Calm down. Stop panicking. You're driving yourself insane if you keep talking in your mind like that.-

Ara hugged her knees, resting her chin on them. 'Why do you care?'

The voice didn't give any reply.


Kakuzu suddenly felt something sharp stabbing his mind from inside. He flinched, and stopped running.

The pain's gone.

"What the hell was that?!" He muttered.

He entered a bounty office, and greeted the man behind the counter.

"Any news? Especially about Konoha?" The Akatsuki's treasurer asked.

The man raised an eyebrow. "I thought you only interested in money."

Kakuzu gave him a glare, causing him to flinch, and said, "Well, I heard that the Kyūbi broke loose, and it was sealed in a girl."

"Thank you." Kakuzu muttered, as he put a bag of money on the counter, and exited the place.

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