Chapter 23 : Let's Set The Little Crow Free

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Kakashi leapt through the trees at the outskirt of Konoha, his eyes locked on the brown-and-black ninken in front of him.

"Kakashi, I smell fox."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah. Pakkun's right. Ara's scent is somehow mixed with a fox's scent." Guruko reported, "A large fox."

Bull barked in agreement.

-Could it be...-

'I think it's true.' Kakashi told Yūsha, 'it involves Kyūbi.'

Yūsha let out a low growl. -If that damned fox dare to hurt her,...-

'Kyūbi is not our priority,' Kakashi reminded, 'Don't forget about Danzo.'

"Hurry up. Sukoshi said he can sense her chakra now. It's very faint, but it's near." Kakuzu suddenly said.

Kakashi nodded and fastened his pace.


Kakashi stared at the 20 unconscious ANBUs in front of him. His gaze moved, and landed on Kakuzu's bloody hands.

The man is a great fighter. No doubt Ara is very talented.

Kakuzu had decided that he will do the fighting, and Kakashi will be the one who find Ara.

"So, she's here?" Kakashi asked, referring to the large boulder in front of him, as he put Yūsha down.

Kakuzu nodded.


Kakashi took a few steps back. He pulled up his headband, revealing his sharingan, before creating a few hand seals.

Ox - Rabbit - Monkey.

Sparks of lightning appeared on his hand. Kakashi ran towards the boulder.

"Raiton: Raikiri!"

Along with that yell, he slammed the lightning cutter onto the boulder's hard surface.

A crack was heard, and the boulder burst into pieces.


Kakashi easily dodged the ANBU's body that was thrown and landed near him. Kakuzu can be really brutal.

Never try to fight a pissed off father.

The Hatake suddenly froze at the view in front of him.

It was a large cell, with electricity running through the metal bars around it. Inside the cage, is a little girl, chained to each edge of the 'cage'.

Kakashi instantly recognized her. It's Ara.

She was so thin. Her skin is covered in scratches and bruises. There's an orange chakra cloak covering her body.

Kakashi was snapped back to reality when a current of electricity ran along the chains and shot through her body.

He immediately ran to the cell. Being a genius, an ANBU, and an angry big brother, he manage to turn off all the torture system with ease. He opened the metal door, and entered the cage.

He was going to unchain Ara, when the orange chakra burned his fingers.

Is this... the Kyūbi's chakra? He wondered, examining the chakra cloak.

Kushina-san is right... The Kyūbi is involved... He protects Ara...

"It's okay, Kyūbi-sama..." Kakashi said, his hand once again reached towards Ara's chained ankle, "My name is Kakashi Hatake. I'm not going to hurt Ara. She's my little sister. She's safe now, and I just want to bring her back home."

Slowly, the chakra cloak faded, before disappearing completely. Leaving an orange fox tail and a pair of orange fox ears.

Kakashi calmly ignore the new hybrid features, and released Ara from the chains.


When Kakuzu saw his daughter in Kakashi's arms, he let out a growl.

"What happened to her?!"

Kakashi sighed. "It's the Kyūbi. When I found her, she was surrounded by the Kyūbi's chakra, which was protecting her from the electrocuting chains. She was already unconscious."

Kakuzu's eyes softened. He took her from Kakashi's arms, running his fingers through Ara's white hair, before kissing her forehead. Then he placed his daughter on the Kakashi's back.

"Remember what I told you," Kakuzu said, pulling out a small white cloak from his pocket, and wrap it around Ara, covering her tail and ears, "Never leave her alone. Thank you, Kakashi. Please take care of her."

"Thanks for your help. But where are you going, Kakuzu-san?"

Kakuzu ignored the question. He turned, facing Kakashi, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Give her love, the one she should have got from me."

With that, the Akatsuki treasurer disappeared from sight.

Kakashi sighed, shaking his head, letting out a soft chuckle.

"He comes and goes just like that? What the hell... He's even weirder than Gai..." Kakashi muttered.

He turned at Yūsha. The tiger has Sukoshi on his head.

"Let's just go home, ne?"


Kakashi entered the village calmly, ignoring the stares from the villagers. He had a war inside his head, whether to bring Ara to hospital or not.

"Hey! You're Kakashi Hatake, right?"

De javu..., Kakashi thought, as he turned his head at the caller. It was a worker from the hospital. Kakashi couldn't tell whether she's a nurse or a doctor.

"What?" He snapped, "Hurry up, I'm busy."

"The one on your back... She's your sister, right? Is she injured? Her chakra level is abnormally low." The woman stated.

Kakashi slowly nodded.

"The hospital is that way," she said, pointing at the opposite direction from where Kakashi is walking to, "Let me heal her."

Kakashi glared at the woman. "And you don't care even she's the Kyūbi?" He asked sarcastically.

"Just do it already. I can tell she's losing blood."

Kakashi finally agreed.


Kakashi is stubborn. He is persistent. And he won't give up easily.

That, makes everything complicated.

The woman, Aiko, turns out to be the assistant of the head medic of Konoha Hospital. She told Kakashi that she will take care of Ara.

And Kakashi insists that he doesn't want to leave the room. Aiko is beyond frustrated.

"Why do you help her?" Kakashi asked all of a sudden.

"Many reasons." The woman simply said, not removing her gaze from Ara's bloody arm, "But maybe, you can say that I want to erase my sins."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

The woman smiled sadly, "I have a little brother. He was rather.... spoiled, I guess. I always ignore him. And he hates me. He's rather sadistic for his age. Now I realize my mistakes. I quit from ANBU, and starts working in hospital. I just want to make the full of it. I want help as many people as I can."

Kakashi sighed. "I know that feeling." He muttered.

Suddenly, Aiko turned at Kakashi. "She needs transfusion." She informed.

Kakashi stood up. "How can you be so calm about this?"

"I'm an ANBU, remember?"

Kakashi chuckled, as he walked towards her, and stretched his arm in front of Aiko. "Take mine. I'm O. She's AB."

Aiko nodded, smiling. "You don't panic about this, either. You were an ANBU?"

"I still am." Kakashi replied, as the medic nin without warning use a needle to stab his arm.

"How old are you? 15?"

"Nope. 14."Kakashi corrected, as he sat on a chair next to he bed. He's already feeling dizzy. Using his chakra for 3 days worth of travel, then for Raikiri, and got his blood taken for transfusion, those are enough to drain his strength.

"Alright! Done!" Aiko announced, as she pulled off the needle from Kakashi's arm, and healed the tiny bleeding hole.

"I think you should rest here. But maybe you want to scold the Hokage?"

Kakashi weakly shook his head. "Too tired..." He mumbled.

Aiko laughed. "I'll stay here, then. Didn't want any of you die, right?" She asked, winking at Kakashi.

"Besides, I only work part time. When I found you, my shift is already over. I can do whatever I want here~" she trailed off, dancing around the room.

Kakashi scoffed at the woman. "You're so damn childish. I wonder how old are you." He muttered.

Aiko laughed. "22! Not so old, not so young!"
Kakashi sighed in annoyance. Really? This hyperactive medic nin is going to be Ara's doctor?!

Well, at least she didn't freak out on the Kyūbi part.


Okay! Here you go! Chapter 23! Yay! Ara is safe now!

By the way, That's not a cliffhanger, right? I think I have to give you guys a break from the suspense XD

Aiko is..... well, she will be an important character later... any guess about who she is?

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