Special - II

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15th September... A special date that the Hatakes always remember...


Kakashi's P.O.V.

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...

My eyes snapped open. I turned at the calendar beside me. 15th September. Sweet. It's already that time of the year again.

I stared at the ceiling above me. How old am I now? Oh, right. 15. Cool. 3 years more and I can drink sake legally. What will Ara say when she found me drunk...?

Ah, Ara. Now again, why did she choose me? I mean, if she chose the Uchiha, she can live like a royal. But she chose me. I live alone. I don't have much money. I got injured often. And I myself is still a teen.

I never understand her.

Slowly, I sat up. Rubbing my eyes, my mind trailed off somewhere else. Last year, I spent the whole day with Ara. Now that I told her not to celebrate it... I just hope everyone will leave me alone.

I stood up, stretching my numb limbs. Taking a short shower, I put on my mask, and tied my headband. Then I walked out of my room.

Strange. The house's empty.

I hope Ara didn't beat herself up at training.

I sighed softly, as I exited my house, locking the door. If Ara forgot to bring her spare key, it's her own fault.

I put my hands in my pockets, strolling around Konoha. I stopped at the Yamanaka's, buying some flowers, before making my way towards the cemetery.

I stopped in front of two graves. Kneeling, I put the flowers on them.

"Hi Kaa-san... Tou-san..."

"You know, many things happened since the last time I came here. Sorry that I didn't come last year. Well, at least now I'm not the only Hatake in this world."

"A girl came to Konoha. She's a Kigaeru. She was 4 years old, travelling alone with a tiger and a giant axe. At first I hate her. She's noisy, and she... I thought she was innocent, oblivious to a shinobi's life."

"I was wrong. She knows. Her father ignored her." I let out a chuckle, "Just like how I ignored you. And she never meet her mother. Like me."

"She become the next jinchūriki, after Kushina-san. The villagers abused her. But she didn't hate them. She often scolds me when I came home after a mission without checking up my injuries. She watched me like hawk, making sure I sleep and eat properly. Sometimes it's annoying, you know. Is that how you will act too, Kaa-san?"

"She's a good sister, however. She called Minato-sensei and Kushina-san as her parents. Talking about them, they now got a son. His name is Naruto."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Her name is Karasu. Crow. Her father named her that. I think that's pretty sad. But everyone calls her Ara. She didn't attend the Academy."

"Hey, if you meet her mother, can you tell her I said hi? And thank you? I think that's all for now. And Tou-san, before you ask, yes, I love her like she's my own siblings. And don't worry, Kaa-san. I'll make sure to test her boyfriend. Although I know I should got myself a girlfriend."

"I don't think I deserve any. Rin? She deserves better, like Obito. I don't think there's other girl. Maybe I'll stay alone forever. Who knows. Well, see you later."

I sighed, and stood up, walking away. Now, the KIA stone.


As I arrived, I saw someone passed out in front of the stone.

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