Chapter 8 : Thank You So Much Kashi-nii!

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"Now, now, you shouldn't jinx yourself. Don't peek, Ara." Kakashi said softly, causing her to pout.

But her pout disappeared as soon as she felt something cold against her neck.

"There. You may see it now."

Slowly, Karasu opened her eyes, and gasped. It was a necklace.

The chains were made of silver. But the pendant was the thing that amazes everyone.

It was shaped like a crow, made of a black diamond. The crow is surrounded by little roses made of red crystals.

"It's so beautiful...." She muttered, tracing her fingers along the pendant.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it!" She exclaimed as she hugged Kakashi tightly. "Thank you so much,  Kashi-nii!"


"From now on, you will be my big bro!" Ara said. Kakashi chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"Alright then. If you say so, imouto."


"Now, the cake!" Karasu said, as she cut the small cake into 4 pieces, and gave it to the 3 boys, while she took one for herself.

"Just open your damn mask, Kashi-nii."
"No cussing, Ara."
"You're not my father."
"But I'm your big brother, right?"


"That's my girl..." Kakashi said with a closed-eye smile, as he put his cake on the table.

Itachi took a bite of the cake. His eyes widen in shock, and he immediately slammed the cake on the table, before holding his breath and swallow the remaining food in his mouth with a pained expression on his face.

"Shisui-san... I suggest you... Not to cook anything ever again..." Itachi muttered, as he grabbed a glass of water and drink all of it in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Shisui asked back, taking a big bite of his own cake. He immediately covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom.

"He made it with salt." Itachi stated. Ara began to laugh, followed by Kakashi.

"So we won't have any fun with the cake, huh?" Itachi asked. Karasu smirked.

"We will." She stated, before she took the white cream and rubbed it onto Itachi's face.

Itachi did the same to Kakashi, who grinned and do the same to the younger Uchiha.

Then they realized that Karasu is nowhere in sight.

In fact, she had took a knife and cut the cake into much smaller pieces. When Shisui entered the room, a small piece of cake was thrown and landed on his face.

And so the war continues.


"That was fun." Karasu stated. She was sitting on the couch, with Kakashi next to her. The 2 Uchihas had just gone home, after all of them finished the cake war, cleaning the kitchen, then took a shower.

"Say, Ara-chan," Kakashi started, turning at the girl, "Why don't you remind Kushina-san and Minato-san about your birthday? Aren't you sad that they forget it?" He asked.

Karasu smiled as she looked down. "It's fine. I'm used to it."

He frowned, but stayed silent as he watched her slowly braided her white hair.

"If I tell you about my old family, will you tell me about your past, Kashi-nii?" She asked all of sudden.

Kakashi sighed, closing his eyes. "You really want to know?" He asked back.

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