Chapter 13 : 15th September

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"Psst. Kashi."

"Tick tock tick tock. Wakey wakey Kakashi."

"Knock knock. Knock knock. Anyone's home?"


Finally, Kakashi opened his eyes, to meet a pair of bright magenta eyes right in front of his face.

And he did the most rational thing he can do.

He screamed.

And the white haired girl laughed. Why wouldn't she? The sight is funny.

"This is freaking 6 in the morning. You'd better have a good reason for waking me up this early, Ara." He stated as soon as he calmed down.

Sadly, her reply is far from suffice.

"Where's your mask?"

That moment, for the first time in his life, Kakashi almost lost his self-control. He would have already choke the air out of the girl, if he didn't see the necklace around her neck.

"Is that all you want to ask?!"

"No." She answered with a smile.

He let out a sigh. He will never get any straight answer from her, that's for sure.

"Follow me." He stated, as he stood up, exiting the room and entered the kitchen. The girl grinned, following him.

"First, how can you be here? I locked the doors."

"I teleported here."

He sighed, as he made himself a cup of tea.

"Now, what do you want?"

"A hug!" Ara yelled, as she jumped onto Kakashi, and clung on his shoulders.


"Happy birthday, Aniki!"

Kakashi froze. He never told her. The only one who knows about his birthday is Minato. And the blonde had sworn to secrecy about it.

"How could you know?" He asked, trying to stay calm.

Ara smiled. "Well, you're my Aniki. Why wouldn't I know simple things like this?"

"... Because you're not my biological sister?"

"Nonsense!" She said with a giggle, "I always want to have a big bro." She said, snuggling into the crook of his neck.

"You know, you're the nicest people I've ever met. Even better than Kisa-kun."

"Who is Kisa-kun?" Kakashi asked curiously. Karasu never told him any details about her old family.

"He's the one who took care of me. People always says that he's a monster. But he's actually a good people. And he has this cool big sword! He even teach me how to use Kirā!"


"My axe, remember?"

Kakashi nodded slowly. "Thanks for the 'happy birthday'. Now, stay here and don't break anything. And don't burn my book." He said, giving an emphasize on the last sentence.

Her grin grew wider.

Kakashi took a deep breath.

Seriously.... This girl.....

He shook his head disapprovingly, before entering his room.


When Kakashi walked out of the room (Now fully dressed. And yes, with his mask on), his jaws fell agape.

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