Chapter 21 : When The Father Meet The Brother

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"Tachi-chan... Just eat up. I know you're worried about Ara, but I'm sure she will be alright." Shisui told his cousin.

Itachi didn't react. He just stare at the dango in front of him.

Shisui groaned in frustration. "Come on! If you want to save her, you need your energy! Stop acting like a kid like this!"

"I am a kid, Shisui-kun." Itachi stated in a matter of fact.

Shisui slammed his head on the table. "Seriously.... Itachi, you know what I mean... You're acting like a lovesick puppy!"

A blush crept onto Itachi's face. Before Shisui can notice this, the Weasel had already ran back home.


"I don't understand, Hana! It has been a week, and you're acting just like Kuromaru when he came home after a failed mission! No, even worse!" Tsume yelled in frustration, watching her daughter punching the wooden post in the backyard.

"I'm fine, Mom." Hana replied, landing another kick.

"Then stop training! You won't get stronger, you're just torturing yourself! What happened?!"

"I don't wanna talk about it." The girl muttered, pulling out a kunai.

"Well? Then stop acting like this!"

Hana narrowed her eyes, "So how do I supposed to act when my best friend is missing for more than a month?!" She yelled, throwing the blade.

For the first time since she starts her ninja training, it hit the dead center of the target.


"Just do it already. brat!" The man yelled, as he raised the whip in his grip.

"I... won't be... your tool..." Ara muttered weakly, as the whip was slammed down onto her body.

Her hair has many twigs in it. Blood stains covered her dress. Many scars and bruises on her skin. She was tortured, due to the fact that she didn't cooperate with her kidnappers.

"So you prefer me to kill you?!"

"I'm not scared... of death..." Ara said, as she slowly stood up. 'Give me your chakra, Kusama.'

She can feel power entering her fragile body.

"I... I REFUSE TO DIE!!" She screamed, as she lunged at her torturer, breaking free from her chains.

The man's eyes widened. He grabbed a sword, and stabbed her stomach.

Ara coughed up blood, and smirk victoriously.

"Do you know... that some poison can kill you in seconds...?" She asked.

The man gasped, as he realized what had happened. A kunai was stabbed on his chest.

"All those medicines... you use on me... When they were combined... They create an amazing poison!" Ara yelled, as she kicked the man away.

She stood up, and pulled the sword out of her stomach.

-And they leave their hideout with only one man to take care of it.- Kurama commented, as he noticed the empty base.

Ara nodded, and walked out of the hideout, a small smile plastered on her face.

But after the cheers, always comes tears.


"So.... Ara really is..." Mikoto trailed of.

Kushina nodded. "Yes. It has been about 40 days already. Minato has 10 days left before Kakashi find Ara by himself, dattebane."

Tsume shook her head. "Your husband is an idiot, Kushina. Hana is training nonstop now. And I just can't stop her. She even snapped at me yesterday."

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