Chapter 13

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Clara's POV

I know the song is a bit sappy, but it fits Danny and I perfectly. He still seems worried, though.

I stand up, accidentally knocking my papers everywhere, but I don't stop to pick them up. Instead I walk up to Danny.

His hands come up to my face, his thumbs wiping away the tear tracks left on my cheeks. Even after there can't be anymore left, his thumb sti strokes me cheek. I fling my arms around his neck and peck his lips. "I love you, Danny."

He responds my kiss with his own. "I love you, too, Clara Oswald. Never forget that."

"I won't." I whisper in his ear. How could I ever? I could never forget those words.

He keeps talking. "Even if something happens to me, I'll still love you. Even if I get run over by a car tomorrow. Even if-"

"Shut up."

"You can't shut ME up, Miss Oswald."

"Oh yes I can." I close the distance between our lips.

Danny breaks away from me for a moment. "That'll do it," he says hoarsely. Then he kisses me back.

I win.

Lily's POV

*the next day*

I officially have a room in the Tardis now! It's got all my stuff- clothes, makeup, pictures, and other belongings... And it's a gorgeous room, tailored specially to my liking. It's pale gold and looks like my room is made of sunshine. It's golden.

When I'm HERE with the Doctor, everything is just golden.



Hello again!

I think I'm doing authors notes every chapter now, so sorry if you are one of the people who don't like them- just skip it.

As I said before, this chapter is mostly just a filler chapter before the plot really kicks in.

Beware- next chapter may bring tears to the faint at heart. Maybe. I tried to be as nice about it as I could, but...

Anyways, hope you're enjoying my story! I would love any votes, comments, or followers!


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