Chapter 25

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Amy's POV
The Doctor opens the Tardis door with a grin in his face. "Here we are, Clara, about to find Danny."
Oswin- I mean Clara- nods and follows him outside into a pristine hallway. A neat freak must've come through here.
For some reason, this nice place gives me the chills, and I instinctively reach for Rory's hand- but it's not there.
I panic.
"Oh my god Doctor, where the hell is Rory?!"

Rory's POV
I don't know where I am. One second I was stepping out of the Tardis, the next second, I'm in this little cell thingy.
Without Amy.
I can't move a foot in any direction without bumping into the walls. I'm trying not to flip out, but honestly I'm more worried about where Amy is and her safety than my current situation.
I'm sitting here with my head in my hands when I hear the 'voice' I've hated my whole Tardis life.
"You will tell us where the Doctor and his friends are or you will be-"
I suck in my breath, knowing what's coming next.
"Ex-ter-min-" clunk
The dalek's voice fades away stuttering as a loud.clunk is heard.
I look up, confused.
A man with dark skin and long eyelashes looks at me. And in his hand is the key, presumably to get me out of here.
"Hello". He unlocks the cell.
I crawl out, my throat parched. "Thank you. You just saved my life."
He laughs. "No problem."
I stand up brushing the dust from the cell off my clothes. "Who are you?"
"Danny. Danny Pink." He extends his hand.
I shake it and realize... "youre Danny?"
He nods. "You travel with the Doctor?"
I nod mutely.
"Do you know Clara?"
I nod.
"Is she ok?"
"Devastated about losing you but otherwise she's ok."
He exhales. "Thank god. It's been a long time since I've seen her. I miss her."
I simply look at him.
Danny snaps out of it. "Sorry, I just love her so much and wish she loves me half as much as I love her."
I stare in disbelief. "You kidding? Both of you are head over heels!"
He smiles weakly. "Enough chitchat. There's a 24 daleks left here. We need to get out of here, find the Doctor, and make sure no one dies."
I stare. "Can we do that?"
Danny nods. "Why not?" He grins recklessly. "Let's go!"
Hey guys.
hope you're enjoying it! Keep reading, voting, commenting, and recommending! And follow me?
P.S. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my lovely platonic wife, harrypotter_obsessed
Check her out!
Bye bye!

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