Chapter 16

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Clara's POV

The full impact of my actions weigh on me, and I fall to the ground, crying. Again.

I can't believe I threw away half of my life. The Tardis was half my life, Danny was my whole life, so what other life do I have? The girl-whose-boyfriend-just-died life?

No. I can't.

Lily's POV

My jaw drops open in shock as the last key disappears over the ledge. No more Tardis for me, I guess.

But does that mean I can't ever see the Doctor again? What would I do with my life? I can't go back to a normal life after traveling with the Doctor.

I sigh heavily, trying not to cry as my perfect world vanishes before my eyes.

The Doctor's POV

"Open your fist, Clara."

"There's nothin' there!" she sobs.

"Please, Clara."

"There's nothing there!" she Yells a lot louder.

I gently unfurl her tightly clenched fist.

Clara looks down through her tears and gasps. "The key?"

I nod. "This key, tha last one you threw down, is designed to return to the last trustworthy person holding it."

She looks at me, blinking away her years. "But Danny..." she whimpers.

"I'm Getting him Clara, I swear we will."

"But you said-"

"I wanted to make sure you would give up everything for him, that your love for him is strong. It is."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lily glance at me... Lovingly? Affectionately? But I ignore it.

"Come Clara. You too, Lily. Back in time we go."


Heyyyyyy! I hope you liked it. It is a bit uneventful, but the next one will actually be a pretty big deal. And you'll get some happy-and sad- feels. But at the end of my story, everything is happy, don't worry!

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