Chapter 28

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The Doctor's POV
Since the daleks aren't here, I herd everyone back into the Tardis safely and get out fast.
And right before I leave, I place a bomb on the ship. This time the daleks won't come back. I swear.
I hope.
*3 weeks later*
I'm the only one awake, so I begin setting up breakfast.
After ten minutes, Evie and Kate come into the room, both in bathrobes.
Kate looks at me tentatively. "Doctor..."
"Mmmm?" I say absentmindedly, fixing the table.
"If we were still living in Manhattan, it'd be Valentine's Day, so..."
Evie takes over. "Can we go to a really nice planet where we can spend the day with a special someone?"
I look up. "I dont have one."
Kate laughs. "Course you do. The only person who doesnt know is Lily herself."
My cheeks get warm. "Everyone knows?" I ask nervously.
"Yeah. Sorry. It's sorta obvious though."
I look down.
Evie smiles at me. "Don't worry. Lets just go somewhere nice, and maybe you can ask her out."
I jump. "No.way!"
Evie stares directly into my eyes. "Listen Doctor. I shouldn't tell you this, but Lily likes you too. But she's old fashioned and wont make a move. It's up to you."
By this time, the rest except Lily have joined us. Clara nods approvingly. "She loves you Doctor. I can tell."
I give in. "Fine. I'll do it. Where do you wanna go?"

Clara's POV
After some discussion, we settle on a planet called Diamanté, where the ground is made of diamonds. It's supposedly has beautiful sunsets- 2 suns going down, coloring the sky... I cant wait.
Lily comes into breakfast yawning.
I see the Doctor's eyes stray to her, but she's busy eating and doesn't notice.
"So where are we going today?" she questions, stifling another yawn.
"A planet called Diamanté, made of diamonds. This is a sort of Valentine's Day, so that's where the couples voted on going."
A grin spreads across Lily's face. "Oooo lovely! When are we going?"
"In approximately..." The Doctor checks his watch. "Twenty minutes."
And twenty minutes later, he pulls the lever and we're off!
Hello friends!
Next chapter is quite fluffy Oswink stuffs :-) it's perfect!
Thanks for all the support- please continue with it! Votes comments and recommendations are greatly appreciated!
Love you all!
And this chapter goes out to the lovely Clarandthedoctor for her amazingness :-) you have no idea how much you inspire me!
Thanks guys!
-Rina <3

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