Chapter 30

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Clara's POV

I am NOT crying. I am SO not crying.
But I can feel the tears sliding down my cheeks one by one.
"Oh Danny..."
His beautiful eyes look at me nervously.
I nearly jump off the cliff in my giddy happiness. "Yes yes yes! I will, Danny!" I pull him up from his knees and hug him tightly, burying my face in his shirt, trying to stop those stupid happy tears.
I can feel the initial shock, then the happiness in him as he slips the ring onto my left hands ring finger.
And when I see the words inscribed in it, I smile through my tears, remembering that date. When he told me it would always be 'you and me'. I can't find any words, so I kiss him instead.
But inside, fireworks are exploding spontaneously in bright colors.

Amy's POV
Rory and I have decided that rather than spending more quality time together like we already did in Manhattan, we'll make sure that the Doctor is living up to his promise that he made this morning.
I feel guilty for spying and watching my Raggedy Man attempt to flirt and ask out a completely normal human girl.
I feel like I'm betraying his trust.
But if he doesn't tell Lily, somehow, that he loves her, how will he ever be happy?
Not that he's ever fully happy.
But happy-ish.
Maybe being with Lily, the girl he loves, will fix him, mending his shattered heart.
But I honestly think that his big sad eyes hold too much hurt to ever be repaired.
Heyy readers!
Nearly 700 reads and 160 votes, guys! Please keep reading! I'm soooo thankful for all the votes and everything! Keep it up!
So this chapter goes out to sharle789 who always votes in each chapter and has remained loyal to this story. Thanks sharle789!
Thanks to all of you too! Everyone reading this inspires me to write more for you :-)
Bye, have a great day!
P.S. please check out my new story, I Still Love You. It's a Jenna Coleman and Matt Smith fanfic :-)

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