(I) Whats Wrong?

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Five Pov:

I had been so stressed about the end of the world that I had been ignoring everyone, including y/n. Of course, I felt bad about it and wanted to spend time with her, but I needed to get this finished first.

I was stuck on an equation when Y/N opened my door quietly, but it was enough to distract me from the numbers I was writing down.

"What is it, Y/n?" I turned my head, a bit upset that my silence would be interuppted.

"I made you coffee, and I wanted to know if you needed any help." She said, calmly, as she set the mug on my desk, glancing at all of the numbers on my bedroom walls.

"I don't need your help. Do you know how to do these equations?" I replied, motioning my hands to the equations.

She shook her head. "Then thanks for the coffee. Close the door on your way out." I said coldly as I faced my wall again.

Y/n pov:

I get that the apocalypse is right around the corner, but that doesnt mean Five can be a douchebag to everyone in the academy. I made him coffee, though he already had a few cups today. I don't know how he falls asleep.

I really wanted to help Five with his work and get some of the stress off of his mind, but all he did was push me away. I want my family to live, I want to live, I really want everyone to live, but if Five overworks then his plan might not work.

"Y/n? You alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Klaus at my door.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said, faking a smile. Before he was about to say something else, I quickly covered it up.

"Want some eggs? In hungry." I said standing up and walking toward my door and into the hall. Behind me, I heard, "You can't smoke eggs." I could practically hear his frown.


As I sat eating my 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑒𝑔𝑔𝑠,  Klaus came back in and sat down with a huff.

"Look sis, somethings wrong. Just tell meee.." He spoke laying his head down on the table.

"Look Klaus, I don't want to talk-"

"Its Five. Isn't it?" He guessed correctly. I rolled my eyes and set my fork down.

"Fine, yes it is. He's just been ignoring me and being a bitch." I said a bit sadly.

"Well, he's been a prick most of his life. Im kinda used to it. Or Im just to high to notice...." His words slowly slurring off. I got up, placed my plate in the sink and made my way up the stairs. I was going to talk to Five.


I silently opened his door and began to speak.
"Five, can we please talk?"

"Not right now Y/n." He repiled blankly, not even looking at me.

"No. We need to talk now, we haven't had a normal conversation in a long time."

He took a deep breath before turning around with an unamused look on his face.

"Whats Wrong?"

I looked down at the ground before talking again. "I know that you're really busy with the apocalypse thing and your equations, but you need to spend time with us, too. I really want to help with your equations, and help you, too. You rarely take breaks-"

"I don't have time for breaks, y/n! Can't you see that the end of the world is this far away?!" He raised his voice, cutting me off. I wasn't going to let him win this time.

"Yes! I do know that Five! If the world is going to end then you should spend time with your family, your family who you haven't seen in over 45 years!"

"I've had enough time with my siblings, I don't need them just like how I don't need you. Get out, you're not helping me at all!" He yelled out. I took a step back and scoffed.

"Fine." Was all I could stutter out. He went back to his work as I sped-walked out of his room.

The words that he spoke ran around my head and kept repeating inside my brain. All I wanted to do was help him. But you know what? If the world is going to end, then so be it.

Just a short draft i made a while ago
Ily ily

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