(I) hotel room servicee

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cant find a good title..

oh my god, its so big...

That was my first thought when Five and I stepped inside of our hotel room. We were on vacation in Paris, and of course, Five had to choose the most expensive, luxurious hotel in Paris.

"Darling, you know I love spoiling you," I remembered him saying when we pulled into the valet.

"I know what you're going to say, but...why did you do this again? There was a nice one back there, looking out on the pier." I asked, waiting for a response. He looked at me, his eyes glancing back and forth.

"Do you want me to book us a room in that hotel? I can-"

"No, no Five, it's fine. It's just, you always go the extra mile when you do things with me. You don't need to do that, I hope you know." I assured him, grabbing onto his hand.

"I know, but what did I say earlier?" He smirked into my face before kissing my lips. He was about to pull away, before I re-attached our lips together. Then I pulled away.

"Thank you for everything, Number Five." I flashed a small smile toward him before pecking his nose.

"Anything for you," He hesitated and looked up to the ceiling. "My eighty-weighty." He exclaimed as he pinched my cheeks, but not enough to hurt me.

"Don't call me that, Fivey-Wivey." I say in response, ruffling his hair. He let out an exhale before picking up his bags.

"Wanna un-pack?" He asked, already unzipping my suitcase while I nodded.

Since the place was so big, I wanted to walk around and scout the place with Five. We had finished neatly folding our clothes and stacking them into the drawers next to our bed.

"Now can we go? Please? I wanna look around and I'm hungry" I added as Five stood up.

"Yeah sure, let me go get my shoes on."

I waited by the door, tapping my shoes against the clean carpet under me when Five finally came out.

"You ready?" I asked him before taking my arm in his. He nodded in response.

"Yeah, you?"

"No, I'm just waiting by the door for no reason at all." I replied sarcastically as he shook his head.

We stepped outside, making sure to lock our door as I felt around my purse for the room key, checking to see if it was there, which it was. We walked down the hallway, perfectly lit with lights. We both stared in awe, until we finally reached the the bottom of the staircase.

I looked to the left of the well-lit corridor and noticed a vending machine.

"Oooh, can I get some snacks? I'm really hungry.." I pleaded Five as I pulled him to the vending machine.

"I didn't even get a chance to answer!" Five retorted, looking at me as we got closer to the machine.

"If you would've said no..." I looked back at him to find he was already digging in his pockets for spare change. "I still would've dragged you here anyway." I could practically hear his eye rolling. 

We reached the machine, and the first thing my eyes landed on was the fun sized packet of Fudge Nutters sitting near the corner. 

"The Fudge Nutter, I'm guessing?" Five guessed correctly. I nodded and turned my head to the other side. 

"HOLY SHIT!" I almost yelled, not noticing that this was a public place. 


"I-It's a Pomeranian!" Five looked over to the small dog to the left of us. My legs, as if they had a mind of their own, decided to walk over there. I could hear Five pressing the buttons behind me. 

Five's POV: 

Y/N is so sweet, so caring. So caring that she would leave me for a dog? Or is that a hamster? I couldn't tell. I looked back to the vending machine, which to whirred and clicked as it started to push out the fudge nutter

Until it stopped? I looked back at Y/N to find her crouched down, softly petting this 'Pomeranian' thing. 

"I gave you the money, fucker." I spoke the the machine which didn't give me the oreos that Y/N wanted. I banged on the side of the machine in hopes that the packet would fall out of place. Which it didn't. I scoffed and pushed it again, expecting something to fall out.

"Come on!" I half-yelled, pushing the machine more and more. "Stupid mother fudge nutter!" I pushed myself into the vending machine loudly, too. At this point I didn't care if people were staring at me. I was fucking pissed off. 

"Agh! Fuckin' Fudge Nutter!" I screamed and kicked the glass of it, breaking it and letting sharp pieces fall around me. 

I grunted, and put my hand on my neck as if nothing happened before. I looked over to Y/N to find that she was standing still, at least 10 feet away from me, watching everything revel. I panted as sweat started to drip down off of my head a bit. 

"Five..." Was all she said before walking towards me slowly. "Are you okay?" 

"Uh..Yeah I'm fine." I replied, although her face still showed confusion and a hint of sympathy. "It didn't come out." 


"The Fudge Nutter, it got jammed or something." I explained. She stepped towards me in one swift movement, latched onto my arm and brought herself up to my ear. 

"So that means you break it?!" 

"Well..no, but-" 

"Excusez-moi, que s'est-il passé ici?" A man, who was dressed in a uniform beside us spoke up. 

"Je parle anglais." Y/N spoke swiftly. I forgot she was fluent in a ton of languages, I am too, but not French, that is. 

"Eh well, what happened here, may I ask?" The man spoke to us in a thick French accent. 

"My boyfriend-" I cut Y/N off by grabbing her hand and spacial jumping back into our hotel room. 

"What the hell?" Y/N looked at me angrily. 

"I had to jump out of there, what were you gonna say to him? Besides, he doesn't even know who we are...probably." She scoffed and plopped herself down on the couch which was positioned nicely against the wall. 

"What the hell am I gonna do with you, Number Five.." She put her hands up to her face and rubbed it immensely. I laughed a little until we both heard a knock on the door. 

"Oh shit." 


so thats done. tehe. i got this idea when i was re-watching oga for oga for the 10th time because that episode is so very hot. i hope you guys enjoyed this one <3  and i'll see you in the next chapter shawtiesss <333

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