(I) Daddy

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(y/e/c)= your eye color

(y/s/c)= your skin color

Y/N pov:

This morning, I woke up insanely early, next to my husband, Five Hargreeves, and almost immediately I felt the need to throw up. I jumped out of our bed and quickly stumbled to the bathroom. I puked for what seemed like hours, when in reality it was only for a few minutes before I finally got done. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened to reveal Five. I thought that we had both caught some sort of stomach sickness, and he needed to throw up too, so I moved out of the way.

"Y/N? What's wrong? Are you sick?" He came toward me and softly pressed his hand to my forehead. "You're temperature is pretty warm, you must be sick." I nodded as he held both my hands to pick me up. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands as Five offered to get me a glass of water. I walked slowly into our bedroom as he spacial jumped back in and handed me the glass.

"I'll call in your work today, and tell them you won't be able to make it, how does that sound?" He asked me as I nodded slowly. I set my water glass down, as I felt a sudden pound at my forehead.

"Ow! What the hell?" I exclaimed as I lifted my hand to my throbbing forehead.

"Do you have a headache? Gosh, you must be really sick." He spoke as he kissed my forehead. "Hang on for a second, I'm going to get you some Tylenol." He spatial jumped out as soon as his lips lifted off of my head. I laid my head back and took a deep breath and reached for another drink of my water.

"I'm back, darling." Five jumped back in and set the medicine in my clammy hands. I swallowed the medicine as Five picked up the phone and started to dial my work number.


I was still feeling sick. Not as much as I was the first day, but still. This whole week I'd been feeling really tired, I needed to pee a lot, and my mood has been really all over the place. On top of that, my breasts were sore. Of course, I hadn't told Five about my sore breasts and frequent urination. I knew this wasn't just some sickness, though. So yesterday I had went to the store and bought a pregnancy test. I hadn't mustered enough strength and willpower to actually try the test yesterday, so I'll do it today.


I can't do this. What if I am pregnant? Yes, I want to have a child with Five, but not in my 15 year old body! So here I am, sitting on the toilet seat, staring at the un-used pregnancy test in my hand.

I needed to take it now, what am I so afraid of? So, I did my thing, and waited for a few minutes...

Two lines appeared.

I felt a few tears slide down my cheek as horrible thoughts started to invade.

He's going to leave me.
He's going to spatial jump out on me!
He's going to leave me, all alone with a baby.

It would be great if we weren't in 15 year old bodies, and I just think Five wouldn't want kids. I mean, he's a murderer! He's never said anything about kids and he just isn't the type of guy to want kids from my view.

What the hell am I going to do-

"Y/N, my love, I'm home from work!"


"How about I start on dinner? How do you feel?" Five spoke as his footsteps neared the bathroom.

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