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tw; abuse 

Five hasn't been so sweet to me lately. Of course people change, but this isn't good change, what he has going on.

"Y/N, could you leave my room?" Five asked me bluntly. I looked up at his green eyes staring into me, and the way he stared so sharply at me, made me think that his eyes were the ones telling me to go away.

"This is my room too." I stated, waiting for another snarky remark to come out of his mouth.

"I want you out," his face, at first hard and had a cold expression, changed only the slightest into soft. "I need space."

Five had been needing a ton of space for quite some time, and I was kind enough to give it to him without asking questions. But now, I wasn't going to let it slide so easily.

"You always need space, why don't you tell me what's wrong?" His head cocked a little bit and he sat forward in his chair.

"Why don't you stop getting into my business so damn much and start minding your own. When I say leave, you leave." His voice spiked up in volume a bit.

What the fuck?

"Why are you treating me like this?" I stood up, getting pissed at his actions. "Why can't you just tell me whats been going on instead of shutting me out and not even caring about me. Hell, you can't even say good morning to me! You're so caught up in leaving me alone!"

My voice had turned into a yell as well, and now both of us were standing up with anger.

"Because you're an over-obsessive bitch, thats why!"

His answer shocked me, I wasn't an obsessive bitch, was I?

"No I'm not! Name one thing that I did that was over-obsessive. One thing!" I yelled, shoving my pointer finger in his rage infused face.

"For starters, you always want to be with me and cuddle and kiss and all that shit, you always want to know what I'm doing and you never give me alone time!" He cackles before he says the next sentence. "But now that I think about it, you're not only an over-obsessive bitch, but you're a stupid one, too!"

I step back, kind of offended that Five would say that about me. I needed to stop this before it got out of hand and hurt someone.

"Look, Five, I'm sorry, if you wanted space you could've asked and not shut me out-"

"You really think that would work? God, Y/N get a fucking brain! And don't try your little 'im sorry' shit because it isn't working, alright?" He yelled once again.

Although I wanted to stop this fight, I was sick of letting him step all over me and yell at me. I was sick of letting him win every single fight and me just letting everything go.

And after I let him win, it would always end up with us naked, wrapped up against each other, quivering in the sheets. Makeup sex. But it didn't mean anything.

"You know what?" I stepped forward, closer to him. "I really fucking hate you right now."

"No you don't. Because in the morning you'll be back into my arms, telling me that you love me." Five smirked.

"Well not now. You're so fucking rude to me and I'm sick of letting you do that to me. You're an asshole." 

"And you're a nobody who is so needy and clingy all the time. You don't have anything other to do than be a koala to me." He paused and looked into my eyes. "Maybe that's why you don't have a power." 

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